Why would Blizzard launch Season of Mastery without having a population limit for the realms?

The correct always is, always, to reroll on Shadowstrike Alliance.

You are welcome.

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If realms are not going to have a population limit (as they currently are and as it was when it was released), then I agree. There was no point in multiple realms if the realms did not have a population capacity/limit to begin with. This is why I argued Blizzard consciously created a situation in which they would profit by launching multiple realms without placing a limit on how many players could be online each realm at one time. It would be inevitable that players would mitigate to the realm which had significantly more players than the other realms at some point or another. Mutanus does not have a single Horde raiding guild and thus has not even completed Molten Core. This results in Blizzard making additional money off any player who wishes to end-game raid on a PvP realm, because that player must reinvest their paid subscription time in a new character on a realm that does have end-game raiding taking place. And, for all those who wrote “too long, didn’t read” since you have an opinion, here’s mine, too: you were better off reading the post and then replying, and if it was too long for you to read, I don’t believe you should be on a computer in the first place and ought to challenge your reading skills since it would appear by your own assessment that 12 sentences is “too much to read”. Sigh. What a disgrace.

But this sentence is like 112 words. That’s a small novel in some parts of the world.

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I was overwhelmed reading this.


Not as overwhelmed as the female employees who were lured into the Cosby Suite at Blizzard Headquarters, who Blizzard ignored complaints from for years. Blizzard doesn’t listen to its own employees, so why would it listen to us? RIP SOM.

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Comparing your disappointment with a GAME to SEXUAL ASSAULT and SEXUAL HARRASSMENT is problematic at best.

Be better.

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Preach about the injustices of a game company while subscribed to said company.


QQ more, chum.

Thank you for your permission, pal.

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You think the server CAP is the issue? They should have developed a server minimum. If there weren’t enough players, don’t spin up the server and force a reroll onto other servers before the game went live.

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Why won’t Blizzard allow character transfers at this point? In Classic, they had opened up character transfers by this point in time. Incompetence isn’t a virtue.

They don’t want anyone to be sad over losing their name.

That’s one of many reasons. They’re having decision paralysis leading to no action. It’s lose-lose-lose currently. No perfect solution but surely I’d lose my name and have an active population versus being unable to participate in anything requiring a 5 person group… let alone 40.

I do not mind having to lose my character name in order to play content. It is impossible to clear end-game raids when your realm (Mutanus) has less than 50 level 60s online at peak hours.

I’m not even looking for tons of players though I’d go to Jom if I am offered as an option. Literally anything would be better than this. I wish I had more time to re roll but I don’t (nor do I have the motivation again). And yeah I know Jom was designated the defacto server before hand. But Mutanus did have a healthy pop at launch and seemed to be a viable option. It wasn’t until very recently that it became basically impossible to find groups.

My fault, sure. Not really interested in blame games but I’ll take that on the chin. Really just looking for a way forward that doesn’t require rerolling.

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I have World PvP videos on Mutanus during the first and second weekend after launch showing more than 40+ players participating in the events I hosted. Now, Mutanus has less than 100 players online and less than 40 level 60s online at any given time. I want to be able to play and nor do I have the motivation to reroll.