Why would Blizz launch a new season so unbalanced

I did my first blitz and had a hunter do like 33million damage and the next closest was 19 mil. With so many posts about hunters I really thought Blizz would actually do something about this. Why would they do this? I mean this is just so much proof that Ion and his team are so far removed from community its not even funny. Just so out of touch. Devs should be put in charge of certain areas of the game and be forced to play.


Unfortunately they are not removed from the game, they just put all the effort into PvE. PvP is an after thought. If you look at Ion’s history he was a PvE player not a PvPer.

Hunters in the state they are in, DKs still have nerfs from 3+ seasons ago… You could go on and on about how the things they do make 0 sense.

But I agree nerf hunters and DHs.

True! Good point. Just frustrating I mean the season starts and it’s just a giant pile of you know what. Makes you want to wait and see what kind of disaster awaits us in the new xpac. Take the summer off.

What I do find interesting that shows the lack of oversight, is the Hellbloom gear from WQs pvp ilvl is still 473. I mean yikes that there is a 49 ilvl difference between regular pvp greens and that.

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lol just mailing it in. They dont even care as token sales are through the roof. I mean there is no such thing as pride in your work at blizz

They’ll probably make a few changes in a month or so when they do their balance pass for PvE.

You’ll see some players on OP specs in PvP take advantage of the lack of balance at the start of a new season.

I averaged about 30million damage per BG, and that was last season now 515 is baseline PVP ilvl, so if the 2nd highest was 19mil then all you’re telling me is the Hunter was the only one in that BG actually playing.