Why would anyone come back mid season?

I quit around week 4 of the season because I think the m+ changes were awful. I’m interested in maybe trying season 2, but with myth track gear being so important and time gated AND no catchup mechanic for m+. Why would I bother coming back?

Blizz needs to make massive changes to how this game works.

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Get a bunch of sparks instantly, get your 4 619 crafted pieces

Crest crafting costs all down, island gives free entry epics away

There is no way to catch up. Myth is 639 right?

Best you can get is 626 or something like that right?

I did +10 first week of this season.

If you miss that in season 2 you’re already behind.

You need 639 just to do mythics?

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636 from crafted



I don’t do M+ so I’m not a good judge of the situation. From what others have described I got the impression that because of some tweaks and changes it’s less brutal now than it was at the start.

Because you want to play
Because you want a leg up for S2

Crest acquisition has been increased and cap has been removed.

I mean I don’t know. I was 2850 or something when I quit. Are people doing 12+ with people at 626?

Probably not because of how easy it is to get higher.

Once again. 636 crafted.