Why were these camera features removed on retail?

I can’t post pictures to show these features since i do not have trust 3, on Retail WoW there are 3 options that are missing from controls in settings which are there on Classic Wrath. When you log onto Classic Wrath, click on controls and scroll down to camera you will notice 3 options that are removed from Retail those being ‘Follow Terrain’, ‘Head Bob’, and ‘Smart Pivot’. Monday night i log onto wow to notice all my settings changed and reset for some odd reason, so i notice that my camera is acting really weird for no reason such as the Head Bob motion which is annoyingly dumb since it causes you to lose focus with no way to remove it constantly causing the camera to shake up and down whenever you move, then here comes Follow Terrain where the camera constantly tries to move into these weird views. Idk which idiot decided to remove the option to turn these off from Retail but i can tell you that the options to turn them off are vividly there on Wrath Classic.

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You can post them on a site like imgur and post the urls between code tags (</> button in the editor).

That said, all those setting still exist in Retail, they’re just no longer present in the default Options interface. You can access them via the CVar browser in https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/advancedinterfaceoptions

/console cameraBobbing 0
/console cameraTerrainTilt 0
/console cameraPivot 1
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