Why were the Worgen sidelined so much in their own city's reclamation?

Alliance aren’t able to do the dark ranger lordaeron customization quest without being disguised? It’s only fair.

If this is about your whining about troll “genocide” you should be aware that the Quel’Dorei (see: blood elves) committed much greater atrocities against the trolls than the humans could have hoped to.


Hit the nail on the head. I did the quest on an alt as my character would be absolutely embarassed to be helping the Worgen that he fought a war against just a few years prior. Tbh my character would have probably been killed on sight or at the very least arrested if he showed up.

By the way, full points for showing how a constructive criticism is made.


Hardly compares. Amadrassil and Gilneas were an entire patch of Alliance content.

And even then. Horde quest leader knew you weren’t Horde, didn’t regard you as an enemy, and even had you bring back an offer of conceding Gilneas as part of a peace offer.

Only Amidrissal got an entire patch dedicated to it. Gilneas was a whole 6 quests and a one and done style quest chain at that. You weren’t required to farm gear to upgrade nor are you required to stay after the chain is over, nor is there is WQs there to do.

Lets at least try to be honest here and not play the victim card


Never said they were separate patches. The point is that they are both part of an entire patch dedicated to Alliance lore where some players seem to think the Horde should have been treated as the enemy.

Mind boggles. This entire “they made my city neutral” hogwash is part of the ongoing NE victim card.

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It was the 100 human mages who summoned the fire storm. And without Medivh Stormwind be gone by now. Humans can’t do anything without magical deus ex machinas.

There was no such disguise. I did it as my Night Elf hunter and I got a buff of tempoary amnesty from being murdered on sight.

I’m sure you’re misremembering but for the return to Lordaeron questline where we reclaim it for the forsaken and acquire the darkranger customization Genn says “Go, don a disguise and see what you can discover. Observe everything.” As well as " You must don a disguise and travel deep into enemy territory. Do not let down your guard.".
This is the first quest called “Eyes of the Wolf”.
You then get the “Veiled” buff that transforms you into a forsaken after arriving at your destination.

It’s also shown in any Alliance playthrough of the questline on youtube.


Might have glitched in my case since I never saw it applied.

You did have to play as a Hunter in order to get the transmog.

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I remember the debuff, however it didn’t change my character’s appearance.

I did the quest more than once to unlock the title and transmog, and I can confirm that it is supposed to transform Alliance players into a Forsaken for the duration of the quest. If it doesn’t you’re experiencing a bug.

The quests themselves make mention of said disguise.

In, “Eyes of the Wolf”

Calia studies you closely for a moment, a smile on her lips.
You will fit right in. And do not fear, I will not reveal you to the others here.

In, “Path of the Dark Rangers”

Velonara peers at you knowingly.
It was a fair disguise, but I saw at once that you were not who you claimed to be.

Only a very disingenuous interpretation could write off the former quote as anything but a comment on your disguise, and the latter makes explicit mention of said disguise.



I did it a few times on my Horde Characters but I realized I haven’t done it on any alliance characters.

Now I kind of want to, just to see if I get transformed or not. Even if it is a bug.

Of course Calia won’t snitch since she is an alliance spy at heart.

Worgen really need some limelight, I swear up and down they were marketed as the alliance’s “dark and broody” race, instead we get half baked angry chihuahua women pure jank on animations and then promptly forgotten about.

Well not promptly they get to be attack dogs sometimes and get poorly executed stories! Good job blizz