Why were the Worgen sidelined so much in their own city's reclamation?

Those ambassadors seemed more moderate, perhaps the Church let them stay to try and deradicalize them.

Even fanatics get swayed by a lack of results (note the ever-declining numbers of the Klan).

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Matched by the increasing numbers of MAGA.


The one that was in Stormwind was full blown crazy. the guy however he sent you to in Desolace is an actual defector who tells you that both he and the folks in the monastery have gone off the rails and you have to go to the latter and knock heads.

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False equivalence and citation needed.

Looks like the deradicalization attempt failed. Then again, he wasn’t raving at or attacking non-humans… And Metzen’s words still stand given the lack of evidence to the contrary.

That said, I think it’s clear why the worgen were so sidelined. Two words; bad writing.


So, out of curosity, you don’t think there’s an entire cult of personality around trump and the people who worship him? I know people who have that cult mentality when it comes to Him


Short answer; No.

Long answer; Every group, such as left or right and religious or secular, has extreme elements. As for Trump and Trump supporters, they on the whole lack several traits required for a Cult of Personality (such as a lack of patrimonialism, superhuman presentation, mass media censorship…

  • Side note; if mass media censorship was the only trait for one, given the stark difference in how mass media treats the two, I’d attribute a Cult of Personality to Biden before attributing one to Trump. There’s so much political spin, I’m surprised MSNBC hasn’t burrowed into the Earth’s core.

, suppressing questions, focusing on the leader rather than the nation…). I have never seen or heard about anyone praying to or worshipping Trump (note, praying for someone is not the same as praying to someone). Because of all that, my answer is no. On that note, historically, there have been more left-wing Cults of Personality than right-wing ones.

Actually, if memory serves, Brother Anton – the one in the Desolace – was still a member of the Scarlet Crusade.
It was the man in Southshore Anton sent you to meet next that was the defector, Raleigh the Devout or something like that, and he sent you on the quest to go topple the Scarlet Monastery.

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They weren’t sidelined. The Worgen are not Hammer themed movie monsters. They’re a nation known as Gilneas and in that aspect they were fully participatory.

Maybe the reclaiming Gilneas was so short and less admirable to build from. Yes perhaps Tess isn’t a worgen, but her taking over Gilneas from her father could open the door to many other things…like the introduction to the san’layn and we could have a real werewolves and vampire thing going on in the future. Look how long it took for us to get worgens, heck even demon hunters , pandas, and death knights, really thought the troll headhunter thing would take off but it didn’t but there are always possibilities in Azeroth.

It was more the OP saying that than me. I don’t entirely agree, but I think they had a point.

Wait what? What’s the correlation here? What does Tess becoming the leader have anything to do with the San’layn? LOL I’m confused on that one.


Funny, you can throw out your statement without evidence, but you demand others provide it. Setting standards you won’t meet.

On that note- it is called the “invisible empire” for a reason. Its membership is not exactly tabulated with a full roster you can find online. Both of you are working off presumptions and incomplete information - except you see no issue when you do it.

He literally says “I alone can fix it.” Have you seen the artwork he sponsors on all his chachkis? From coins to garments to NFTs? Where they draw him in shape, with tanks and eagles and guns?

He says he wants to be a dictator, and his supporters think that is just peachy.

That superhuman presentation is part of the package.

The man hocks golden shoes and his supporters lap it up.

Trump supporters (Trump himself has said) that Biden couldn’t have won, because you don’t see Biden flags and signs every where. Meanwhile Biden beat him by more than 5 million votes in the popular vote.

It is because Biden voters support the platform without being about the man. Trump supporters are all about the man.

I don’t wear Biden shirts or buy Biden shoes or wave Biden flags - but I voted for him, and will do so again.

Again, he has said the constitution should be suspended because he lost the election. And he says he wants to be a dictator. His supporters are OK with that.


Leader over nation.


Are you posting from a deep cave somewhere? The media has been full of examples of all of that. The son of Billy Graham declared Trump “sent by God”. Did you even miss the golden Trump statue that looked like it was casting for a “Ten Commandments” remake? As President, Trump even wanted military parades of the style seen in Moscow and North Korea.

The man has even posted a list on what he’s going to do when according to his own words when he plans on being “Dictator on Day One.” It’s pretty much straight out of the Fascist Dictator Handbook. MAGA took a look at that list and said “Go Trump Go!”


I didn’t vote for Biden. I voted against Trump. Putting the notch in Biden’s square was the only means to do so. Biden’s hip deep in Israel’s genocide campaign, still seems to have elements of a racist past, and is a Corporate Democrat just like the Clintons and Obama. The barbarians are at the gate and we need a Conan… instead we got “Chocolae Chip Cookie Man”.

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Yeah, I never thought much about a Biden Presidency… but when it came down to Biden and Bernie in the Primary, as a registered Democrat, I had a choice to make. I went with Biden.

Then when it became Biden v Trump in the general, I went with Biden.

Biden likes to say “don’t judge me by the almighty, judge me by the alternative” - and that certainly works to his advantage, in my case.

I registered as a Democrat to vote for Sanders in the primary. (New Jersey allow an unafilliated voter to register on primary day. I held my nose and voted for Biden, and later Clinton. I voted for Obama with more enthuisasm. I have since regained my Independent status.

My contribution to this political discussion:

Red Sun in the Sky

Anyway, back to the Worgen.

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The system is corrupt. Keep telling us to accept lesser of two evils, and the evil that we have to choose from gets worse and worse. A couple decades ago both these jokers would be considered unelectable. But they’re gonna force them down our throat. I am voting third-party.


Evidence; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan#Current_developments

If you think that of me, you give me too little credit, or her too much.

Saying he’s the only person who can fix a problem - true or not - is not a claim to anything superhuman. You accuse me of not providing evidence, can you give evidence on how much those shoes have sold?

Citation needed on the Trump quote since you talk a big game about evidence.

Depends on the Biden supporter and the Trump supporter. By the way, many politicians going for head of state merchandise. If you think Biden hasn’t done that too…


Again, citation needed. You accuse me of making statements without evidence then turn around and do it yourself. hypocrite.

Not sure whether I’d count as a Trump supporter, I can acknowledge when Trump did something bad or good (the Abraham Accords come to mind, so racist… he helped facilitate a foreign peace agreement lol), saw that Trump was the lesser evil in 2016 and still see that now.


Both sides say there’s “barbarians at the gate”, but one side has more of a point than the other and both disagree on who the “barbarians at the gate” are.

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Yes , that is precisely what that is. He literally is saying he alone can do something, and no one else can do it.

Your evidence about the membership of the invisible empire is… Wikipedia…. LOL

That speaks volumes.

You keep saying that, but you are the first one demanding it… this started with you asking for citations of others first when you did not list citations yourself!


Yes - only after you were proven a hypocrite did you spit out… Wikipedia… which any 101 class would reject as a source.

Speaks volumes about your logic.

Um… what does that even matter? My claim has nothing to do with the number sold. He is selling golden shoes. That is a fact. I never made a claim about the amount, so your random irrelevant question makes as much sense as the rest of your poor excuses for counterpoints.

If you think spouting Wikipedia links about Klan membership is evidence… it is only evidence of your gullibility and laziness.