Why were the Worgen sidelined so much in their own city's reclamation?

That’s because fanatical groups like the scarlets are hard to permanently kill off. Kill a bunch and the rest simply lay low while they rebuild.

And with the constant threats besieging Azeroth on a yearly basis, that’s prime grounds for recruiting people who are resentful about the current state of things


Who are they rebuilding from? It makes no sense, they were killing non-scarlet humans in droves at earlier points in their history now just loads of humans from stormwind and kul’tiras are just waltzing into where ever they reside and asking to join? And they’re letting them? The massively paranoid Scarlet Crusade is eagerly accepting non-lordaeronian recruits? It’s ham fisted and silly.

I’m not gonna say you’re entirely wrong here but WoW is built upon retcons, also I’d say classic to wrath era scarlet crusade made sense, they were the human survivors of Lordaeron and members of the Silverhand who after it split between the argent dawn and scarlet crusade went with the scarlet crusade.


Nope, I’ve yet to see these massive swathes of people saying this, what I have seen is people who take their very real very weird real life politic based resentment and use it to freak out at people RPing as villains in a videogame. Which when you factor in that it makes a lot of these claims, especially those on the forums incredibly dubious, considering such I feel like I have very good reasons to be extremely skeptical of peoples anecdotes, you can feel free to do the same to me.

Buddy, you know you’ve seen the posts of people saying that the scarlet crusade being used as villains is a good thing because of the activism it does for in real life politics. You’re arguing in majorly bad faith here.


I mean, that’s on you then. Maybe look around?

This is literally what your responses are reading like. Any time someone screams “You only think that because politics, and it isn’t real because I disagree,” it’s telling more about their own political views than their opponent’s.

Pal, I’ve never actually seen a single post saying this. At most I’ve seen people say that the Scarlets work as a stand-in for real world hate groups. Nobody I’ve ever seen has said this is somehow activism.

I must not frequent the same fringe corners of the internet as you do, because that isn’t a thing around these parts.


Yes, and that’s been stated to be a good thing, it’s been stated that it’s a good thing that we have a stand in for real life hate groups to beat on. That is activism, sorry. And this has been abundant in most of the threads talking about the retaking of Gilneas.

A few examples.

Now, considering this, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that if people see the Scarlet Crusade this way, they probably wouldn’t view the people roleplaying them too kindly, and that would lead them to stretch the truth. And this sentiment has existed for a looong time. People being very unusually weird about a specific group of villain role players on a incredibly deeply unserious videogame.

Nice attempt at misusing my quote. But that wasn’t about the scarlet crusade. It was a response to a personal story someone posted here

Don’t be so quick to quote stuff when you have no idea what it’s even related to


It was a response to someone asking why “punting scarlets hits different”, you do realize people can read the thread I linked to right?

Friendo, not a one of them is even implying that Scarlet-killing is activism of any sort. I dunno what juice you’re drinking, but you might need to lay off it. This is some very weird conspiracy theory crap.

Right now, you’re coming across as those people far more than those you’re accusing.


Okay this is insane LOL. If it’s a good thing or “hitting different” to be killing scarlets considering contemporary world events, that’s using the videogame for activism buddy.

And you do realize my response was to thad about clarifying a personal story someone posted in that thread.

My post was not about the crusade and you trying to misuse it is pathetic. At least know what the conversation was about before taking a post completely out of context

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No chum. No it really isn’t. That is not what activism means at all, compadre.

I think you’re taking too many of the red pills, buddy-boy. You’re starting to OD on them.


It’s not out of context, someone said beating up the scarlets hit different, Thad asked how, “what events” then you responded with that response that I linked? What context is missing here?

We’ll have to agree to disagree.

I’m the only one bringing up politics though right? lol


Again, for the third time now, that response wasn’t about the crusade. Someone posted a personal story about their religious mother and them being in the LGTBQ community and Thad asked for clarification about something that was said. Hence my response

And you trying to twist it about being about the crusade shows you never read the actual conversation.


Why did you respond to Thad’s question of asking “What events” then? What Thad asked for clarification on was the guy saying that killing scarlets “hits different” considering recent WORLD EVENTS. The context I’m going off of is what’s publicly visible in the thread and based on who’s responding to who. If you look at the thread it only reads as a response to Thad’s question? There’s not any self evident context.

Also, for the record I’m not taking you out of context at all considering people are free to click on the thread and read the context, there’s literally nothing preventing them from doing that.

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You aren’t disagreeing with me; you’re just wrong about what activism is. Factually wrong. By the actual definition of the word.

You’re the one fixating on it, yes. You’re the one who has attributed everything to someone’s political beliefs, without even knowing what those beliefs are.

Don’t be mad when I play your game.


Please try to keep up. I explained FOUR times now what my response was to

This isn’t difficult to understand


Using your video game as a platform to commentate or provide politic based catharsis relating to contemporary world events is 100% activism. So yeah, we’ll agree to disagree.

I’ve not attributed everything to someone’s political beliefs at all. Karestae said.

I consider this to be a pretty prime example of someone being weird about Scarlets in general, like they were being in the other thread lmao. I think it’s how people view and relate the in game organization of Scarlet Crusade and the people who roleplay them is very very bizarre weirdo stuff. And I do think, (admittedly based on anecdotal evidence, but that’s what we’re both using) that a good 99% of the resentment towards scarlet RPers is based in bizarre utterly nonsensical ham fisted connections to real world hate groups and assuming people are sympathetic towards them.

And you’ve done a pretty lousy job, sorry! You still never answered my question of

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You thought you had a gotcha and it backfired. And you not understanding what was explained to you is YOU problem

Try again next time


Okay, I read the thread in a plain way 99% of people who read the thread would have. Sorry you feel that way.

Except you’re talking to players and about players, sillybutt. We’re just playing the game others built. You claimed we’re the ones performing activism. We cannot provide “politic-based catharsis” by killing Scarlets. We can only engage with the content and interpret it as we choose.

Sweetiechicken, you literally did.

This is you. These are your words.