Very new to wow lore, but from what I gathered, Sylvannas actual death only happened after she threw herself off the ICC. Before that she was stuck between life and death while in the command of Arthas or after that. Undeath, that is.
My question is, since she died in ICC and only saw despair after her death, I assume she was sent to the maw. Why exactly wasnt she offered redemption like any other soul? Why was she throw in the Maw (by the arbiter?) without having to experience one of the shadowlands worlds. Didnt Sylvannas “died” protecting Silvermoon against the scourge invasion? Is that anything between this scourge invasion and the arthas death and her suicide that made her soul unredeemable?
We’re shown the Jailer has Mawsworn Kyrian that can freely leave the Maw and take souls. It’s very likely she was picked up before any regular Kyrian could.
There’s a Kyrian-only world quest where you’re put in charge of judging souls, whether to accept them into the Shadowlands or send them back to Azeroth.
Undead are ALWAYS sent back to Azeroth. Always. No exceptions.
Except for Kel’thuzad, apparently, which just shows that Blizzard’s designers don’t talk to each other.
Icecrown. It be more dan a pretty throne. It be an anchor dat holds dis world to da next, ya might say.
So Icecrown is a place that is closely tied to the Shadowlands. And when the sky shattered, we got to see that Icecrown and Torghast are basically “on top of each other”.
I reckon that the Jailer or one of his associates managed to grab Sylvanas’ soul before the Kyrians could, and they took her straight to the Maw, bypassing the Arbiter.
We know that is possible because Uther did it to Arthas.
Most likely all the undead are doomed to the Maw because they are tainted with the power of it. (not all just the ones the Lich King created). Uther is the only soul that didn’t go into it because of the intervention of the Light and see what happened to Bastion just because of one cursed soul.
It’s quite possible that she only saw the possibility that the Jailer wanted her to see, which would mean that the Jailer had plans for her all along.
At best, she’d go to Bastion. At worst, Revendreth. Very likely she’d have ended up in Maldraxxus.
She was probably doomed to go to the maw or maybe to revendreth but was taken straight to the maw instead by the Jailer I think. The way she wanted to kill so many using the plague was enough to make me think she would go to either one of those places. I got feels that she will end up “redeeming” herself somehow and end up the ruler of maldraxxus since that seat sits empty.
Doesn’t this conversation kind of prove Sylvanas AND the Jailer are in the right in this war? The afterlife designed by Blizzard is incomprehensibly dumb and inconsistent, and it determines people’s eternal fates. Her ending mortal lives prematurely seems easily justifiable in service of a war to change the afterlife into something sensible.