Why was Theresa, the "Mindslave" of forsaken Gerald Abernathy retconned to not be a "mindslave"?

Not anymore.

She didnt even kill Rastakhan. It was the Alliance players and Genn who attacked him. If Talanji should have any beef it should be with him.

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She slowed down the Horde raid with her ice magic and stood over his dead body when it was done. She is responsible. And I will never pretend she is our friend so she can walk away from it scott free.

So again you blame her and not Genn, you know the guy who actually killed him and stood over his body?

Did you miss the cinematic? She was there. Not Genn.

Did you miss what we Alliance player did? Jaina was not in fact even in the room when the Alliance killed Rastakhan.

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Blizzard frames it as such so the argument is moot.

Technically neither was the Alliance either. He died after they started the withdrawal and Talanji reached him in time for his final words.

Which doesn’t absolve them of his death, but this business of Jaina “standing over his dead body” makes even less sense when not even his actual killers were still in the room when he died. By that point, she was outside leaving with the rest of the Alliance forces.

I’d rather not. Blizzard has been incapable of writing such content with any maturity fitting for the themes.

… She was just an intern. The Forsaken should be praised for offering this position to someone living with blindness.

Oh come on, you know they havent touched Silvermoon since 2007.

Besides, if they remove the edge and authoritarianism from Silvermoon, it’ll literally become the most generic elven city in MMO history.


Don’t give the void elves ideas. They look form excuses to make us alliance again.

Maybe they felt they could get away with it because of the other point you mention :point_down:

No she didn’t.

She resigned from her position in Dalaran in protest over Khadgar and the others voting to allow the Horde back in Dalaran in Legion.


Maybe I was not entirely clear about my meaning.

I was not suggesting she lost her position as a punishment for it.
I was saying the game did in fact address her as being wrong. There were consequences that came as a result. The game said she was wrong.

This was me responding to the claim the game never acknowledged her as wrong. It did. The counsel turned against her and said she was wrong and the Horde should be welcomed back. She lost her position as a result of her believing she was in the right while the counsel was directly saying she was wrong.

I probably should have been more clear in my wording. To be fully clear, her losing the position was the game (via other characters) saying she was wrong to expel them all.

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Maybe they werent “getting away with it” and it was always a reference to a fable character and not this weird unfounded conspiracy of a inappropriate joke in the workplace turned wow NPC? Has this been considered as a possibility?

Sure, we have no way of knowing. But if it was always and only a Fable reference, then we’re back to wondering why it was changed.

Barring additional information, we go with Occum’s razor.

The only thing that changed was the mind control (mind slave) part. Therefore that is what was of issue. As mind control is not a real thing, it is unlikely to be part of any behind the scenes issue. It is all about the mind control in game.

Between Vanilla and now the portrayal of Forsaken has moved away from ‘sure, we do mind control’ to ‘mind control is bad.’

So, what is the simplest and most likely answer? They are retconning old NPCs to fit in with the new narrative that Forsaken believe in Free will.

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To whitewash the forsaken and retcon their more evil aspects.

They also replaced pictures of scantily clad women with pictures of fruit. Cut out a lot of the /flirt lines. Removed that bit of dialogue where Garrosh called Sylvanas a female dog.

Kind of an ongoing thing here. I don’t think it’s Forsaken specific.