If you look up Gerald Abernathy on WoWhead or one of the lore repository websites you should be able to see his dialogue talking about her, I can’t post links though.
They, meaning blizz, probably FINALLY realized how problematic it was for a lot of people and it didn’t really vibe with the new direction they want to take the forsaken
I’m not sure. I or someone else would have to do a deep dive into it. But generally, the alliance has a history of its more problematic elements being whitewashed or outright ignored
Also, its not problematic to show evil characters doing evil things. Its problematic if the game is saying its good. Which it isn’t, I’m pretty sure implicitly Abernathy and his friends who applaud him lobotimizing Theresa are implied to not be good lol.
If you want to talk about actual problematic stuff being said to be good it could be Illidan using slavery in Outland and that being basically seen as okay and necessary.
Examples? Also ideally HARD retcon examples like this, where its just straight up removed?
The purge of Dalaran comes to mind. Blizz outright refuses to put any blame on Jaina for how it was handled and has been burying the whole event in the hopes people will forget about
Sorry, typo, I meant to say how have they not put blame on her? When has it been said in or out of universe that it wasn’t her fault or that she did nothing wrong?
Unless you consider the virtue of her being alive and unpunished counts as Blizzard basically saying she did nothing wrong.
I consider her sending her militant hate group, the Silver Convenant out to purge the city, knowing said group hated the blood elves and took her orders quite literally and went on their little murder spree to be very wrong
It’s a prime example of blizz whitewashing the alliance. The alliance must NOT be tarnished any shape or form in their minds
How? You just stated “This bad thing is bad”. I’ve literally never at any point tried to argue it was good and unless you can show evidence neither has Blizzard or the narrative at large.
Jaina did in fact purge dalaran, and this is bad.
Is there any evidence the narrative or Blizzard has stated Jaina killing the sunreavers was good and deserved and just?
The fact that they expect both Alliance and Horde players to side with Jaina over an aggrieved Sunreaver in combat is a statement that they don’t consider what she did to be very bad.
I always figured they were sweatshop workers (in a clothing store/factory), rather than actually enslaved. Not that sweatshops are great either, of course.
frankly i think it was another sort of token apology during the lawsuit. i think thematically they found the idea of a woman who basically is permanently unable to offer consent in any meaningful way kinda… off. and i’m not entirely sure i miss it. to the extent that it simply existed, it wasn’t particularly meaningful or interesting as a form of evil.
Chronicle Volume 4 treats the Purge of Dalaran as the Sunreavers only being rounded up for exile, with it ending with Lor’themar Theron’s intercession to encourage their withdrawal from the city. Which is completely at odds with the game that has fighting in the streets of Dalaran and the Silver Covenant killing Sunreavers.
Personally I think we need more mindslaves, purges and darkness in this game. Being “uncool” is deadly for a game and Warcraft has been pretty lame for awhile now.
See yeah this I can fully concede is really bad, especially when its called “the purge” of dalaran, and you literally kill the Sunreaver npcs. I’d fully say this is pretty bad. But! At the very least it still happened rather than a full brutal “it didn’t happen” retcon like with what we saw with Theresa.
This is pure speculation that I saw on the forum a while back, but it seems plausible to me: someone suggested that Theresa could have been a reference to a real person. Like, maybe someone created that NPC as a “joking” bit of petty revenge on an ex-girlfriend or something like that. If so, then the situation may have been changed to avoid potential lawsuits. (As for why they waited so long, they probably revisited everything in the wake of the big 2021 lawsuit, looking to prevent further ones.)