Why was I Perma Banned for using the appeal process?

I was wrongfully banned for “cheating” which I am not even sure how i got flagged for because i haven’t ever cheated before, but this post isn’t about that, I want to know why I was permabanned for using the appeal process? Why even have an appeal process if you are just going to ban people for using it. I have images attached of all of my interactions with GM’s. I had to put it in a reddit post because I do not know how to add images on blizzard forums. here is the link : https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ozbty7/why_does_blizzard_perma_ban_for_using_the_appeal/

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I’m not certain where you are seeing that your account was closed, Stout.


You were not banned for appealing, you were actioned for something in-game.

“An additional review” means your appeal request was actioned - a fresh set of eyes reviewed the log evidence and upheld the initial action.

They will never tell you the exact reason though - thats info that cheaters want.

It is a second account let me try to post from it on this. One second

The response you linked in the reddit post shows a ticket ID that belongs to the Battle.net account you are currently posting on. One of the WoW licenses on that is only suspended, not closed.


The second appeal response said “permanently closed”, so is that not the case? Also, if it is possible I would love more information on my ban because I am not sure how I was flagged for cheating. I was talking to a friend of mine who knows a lot more about PC’s then me and said it could be because of my work software. I work from home and am often logged into wow on my second monitor while clocked in.

Lol. Means the ticket is permanently closed

it clearly says " Your World of Warcraft account has been permanently closeed due to direct breach of the Terms of Use." I am very confused right now

The second image you posted does state that your account was permanently closed, but my guess is that they meant to put suspended.

No, unfortunately they will not go into that kind of detail.


You’re right. Didnt see the second response

I’m sorry, I don’t see any such reply to your appeal. The response you show in that post is the only response I see so far. No mention of permanent anything.

The WoW license is suspended, not closed. We don’t generally apply additional actions to an account for appealing a penalty. The only exception would be if you were being abusive, but that isn’t common.

Sorry, we are unable to provide details on what we found outside of what was stated. Doing so would inform the developers of those programs that we are able to detect and action them which would cause them to change their behavior/methods.

I won’t say there haven’t been false positives, but generally when that happens it hits more than a single person. During an appeal, our staff does look into the action that was taken and work to verify if an error was made.


Thank you for your response: the appeal i am talking about is ticket number : US80783035 - on the reddit post it is the second image. I understand now that you can not disclose any additional information to me to protect the game - that is totally fine, but is there any additional information I can send with my next appeal to help my case. As I said I work from home and have work programs often running in the background. I am not sure how or why I was flagged but at this point i don’t really care I would just like my main account back because I have characters on it from 2005. Thanks again for your swift responses.

There’s 2 different ticket numbers shown in the images Vrak.

Thanks, Stout. I missed the second picture.

I’m not certain why the response starts that way. It’s possible the Game Master just grabbed the wrong template. The WoW license is just suspsended, it hasn’t been closed.