I know archeology wasnt the most popular profession but it was still fun to dig up items and get neat toys and such. I was sad they abandoned it in Shadowlands. They couldve expanded it to make it more entertaining like making the tracking system less tedious and less distance between dig sites. But atleast we still have fishing, in which it is preferential to watch paint dry.
Blizz please bring back Archeology!
It doesn’t do anything to assist high end raiding so Ion said “well that’s useless”.
Yeah. I mean come on, if the the Explorer’s League and the Reliquary were both able to make discoveries and explore old Draconic ruins, why aren’t I running errands for them of the archaeological nature? I mean, we are in the realm of DRAGONS! Freaking dragons! Why the hell aren’t there new archaeology dig sites reflecting that?
I mean in game, I’ve heard one of the Drakthyr saying that their homeland is not for plundering, but the Zandalaris Tribe and the Kul Tiran nation had no problems with that, and they were the ones fighting a war int he meantime! Also, have you seen my collection of pristine restored artifacts? In my garrison on Draenor? In Dalaran above the Broken Isles? In those little dusty rooms in Boralus? In the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms? Quite impressive since I’m only missing one or two from a few races. And having new dig sites in new world zones would have helped me complete that collection, thank you very much!
But noooooooooo… let’s revamp every freaking profession out there to make the players love them, except this one because we’re lazy.
Harrison Jones would be ashamed of you. Why the hell is he still in Stormwind when I don’t see him joining the expedition! Archaeology is the search for FACT, not TRUTH. I’m honestly shocked at this. Revamping all these professions and ignore archaeology!? Shame on you Blizzard.
They should fuse it with mining.
They mentioned it in interviews. They said they wanted to focus on revamping the main professions first, but that they’re definitely interested in working on things like Archeology. Could see some changes in future patches, maybe?
Yeah I think the secondary professions will get a similar revamp eventually. Might be next expansion type of content though. Hopefully they add another secondary profession as well.
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I honestly hope they go back to it soon, there is so much we could be doing with it, especially with Khaz Algar now, we could get more history and more lore items. Plus there’s the fun little toys and mounts that made it fun. I’ve got a character now I’ve leveled to 73 JUST in Archaeology. It’s wild. And I’ve found so many transmog weapons I never had before.
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It was boring and very few people did it.
I hope so too love it. Gives me something different to do.
The true archaeologists are the ones digging up this thread. 
I think it was because few people did it since it didnt give any raid / M+ usable bonus or item and it generally took work for the devs to keep making content for since it wasnt mindless like mining ore nodes.
I mean, they couldnt even keep inscription, which is a main line profession going.
They probably could revive it by making it uncover cool Tmogs or something.
My two scribes are so confused right now lol
Its still a profession… Just ever since glyphs were abandoned… its like a red headed step-child
Mandy Patinkin voice: “I do not think it means what you think it means”
It works like every other profession. It makes weapons, items, embellishments, etc. just like other professions. It also still makes glyphs. Even back then glyphs, e.g. minor glyphs, were also sometimes just cosmetic. They still have those types of glyphs.
This would have been the perfect expansion to revamp and enhance archaeology. Especially given the subplot about digging up history in the form of titan disc fragments and so forth.
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Agreed. I really enjoy Archaeology and how we would decorate our garrisons, the panda tower with Cho, and the BFA house with cool artifacts in a museum. It was unique and fun.