Why warlocks can't have nice things without being nerfed?

I can’t believe this. The devs drop the old “providing much higher of a benefit than intended” excuse, as if we’re supposed to just nod along and accept that, like “Oh, so it was broken before, was it?” Really? That’s the line now? Do they think we’re just gonna smile and move on?

  • Warlock
    • Diabolist: Fixed an issue where Overlord, Mother of Chaos, or Pit Lord could aggro nearby enemies.
    • Diabolist: Fixed an issue where Flames of Xoroth was providing much higher of a benefit than intended.
    • Hellcaller: Fixed an issue where Xalan’s Ferocity was providing much higher benefit than intended.
    • Hellcaller: Fixed an issue where Xalan’s Cruelty was providing much higher benefit than intended.
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Houndmaster’s Gambit was not appearing on Dreadstalkers.
      • Fixed an issue where Demonic Brutality was not functioning.
      • Fixed an issue where Improved Demonic Tactics would not increase your pet’s critical strike chance.
    • Destruction
      • Fixed an issue where Avatar of Destruction would consume 2 stacks of Crashing Chaos.

I was having a really good time with Destruction, because it was finally FUN again! Sure, we weren’t the A+ gods of Mythic+ or Raids, but we had moments—those glorious Hellcaller procs where you just melted everything in sight with blazing fast casts. It was pure adrenaline, even if, sometimes, the proc bugged out or the tank moved and you missed the window. But when it worked? Man, it was amazing. A real shot of chaos in an otherwise frustrating spec.
Single target? Same deal—Hellcaller procs almost felt like an instant spell, risking everything to squeeze out that last bit of damage while dancing in the fire. I wasn’t top DPS, but you know what? I was having FUN. And Odin forbid we have fun, right? That must’ve set off the alarm bells at Blizzard HQ: “Destruction fun detected! Initiate nerf protocol immediately!”

Now? I feel like I’m wading through molasses, hitting like a skinny dud in a furry druid costume on a bad day at BlizzCon. Everything’s sluggish, Ruination takes an eternity to cast, and the big payoff—those Chaos Bolts and Rain of Fire? They’re hitting like I’m throwing wet noodles. Seriously, what the reck happened?

And it wasn’t broken before. Sure, sometimes we’d get a lucky streak with Ruination and pump out some solid Chaos Bolts, or toss out enough Rain of Fire to feel like we were actually contributing. But even when we were pumping, we still lagged behind DH tanks in some pulls! And you know what? I didn’t care, because it was fun. I could work with the RNG, figure out the rhythm, sync my procs and cooldowns, and make it work. But now? Now it’s just dead.

Explain to me, Blizzard kukos brain devs, WHY would you nerf a class that wasn’t even top damage? We weren’t dominating in M+. We weren’t topping the charts in raids. We weren’t broken. But now? Now we’re absolute garbage.

Today I logged in, jumped on a m+ and… what the reck happened? I’m crawling, Ruination feels like it’s casting in slow motion, my demons are barely scratching enemies, and everything feels off. I check the blue tracker and there it is—all this trash piled on us with a smile.

Why? Why can’t we have nice things? Why must fun be systematically eliminated? I’m so frustrated right now that I’m questioning if I even want to keep playing. It’s like they deliberately target us, as if someone in the dev team said, “Let’s ruin the Warlock’s day.”

Meanwhile, DHs are topping the meters using a steering wheel as a controller, Mages (as allways), rogues, etc… all of them on top charts and NOT A SINGLE LINE OF NERFS.

We’re sitting here wondering why we even bother. It makes no sense, and it’s beyond frustrating. Buffs are a rare, precious thing—like they’re throwing us a charity handout once in a blue moon. But nerfs? Nerfs come down like an out-of-control truck careening off a mountain.

Fix this, Blizzard. We deserve better. Just roll back and pretend you changed something you don’t understand (like we know you did).


they keep buffing the top tier meta classes while they keep nerfing warlocks with the excuse of fixing bugs, wich we are bottom tier dps.


Not to mention, these being broken changed absolutely nothing, as nobody takes anything on that side of the demo tree. While I like the left side of the tree just fine, the fact that the right side is so terrible with no communication from blizz whatsoever is infuriating. Nothing in the 11.0.5 patch notes indicate we’re even being looked at and we desperately need some QoL changes to the tree and aura buffs across the board.

Blizzard wake up


those moments should be more common tbh , it feels nice, but blizzard has the rule

not fun allowed


They “probably” didn’t have the intention, they were bug fixing stuff. They should just implement more stuff into Hellcaller overall, it’s feeling pretty bad to play with it atm, specially for Aflliction.

I don’t mind the bug fixes, but some compensatory buffs should have been tacked on.


Ngl warlock is by far my favorite class but it’s so far down the bottom of the dps list that I kind of regret playing it this tier.

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It’s mid-upper in raid, and aff pumps high keys.

Why do so many people just say words that mean nothing.

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there is no warlock dev team, one of the pally devs probably lost in dps to a warlock and looked into nurfing them


None of the warlock specs are mid upper. In the highest levels of play, warlock is middle to low middle of the pack. With Demo being bottom in all content. In heroic, destro does land in the top six, but let’s be honest most people in normal and heroic don’t know how to pay their class competitively. Every spec of warlock could use buffs, especially demo. But, they’re not the favorite of the season, so we’ll more than likely have to deal with it while they buff mage/shaman/DK more.

See warcraft logs “/zone/statistics/38” for citations


Warlock are mid in high keys because they don’t bring equivocal utility as a mage or boomy. Their damage, which is what I was arguing, is on par though.

High keys, sure. But we don’t stand out enough damage wise or bring utility that other classes do. To make us worth picking over anyone else at the moment. Of course I tend to skew my judgement of the class more towards raid than M+. But I get where you’re coming from there. Afflic and destro do perform relatively better in higher keys than we do in high end raid.

Lol raid statistic in the competitive scene has our top spec in the mid low tier. Our top spec. Demo is sitting right with augmentation.:rofl:

The spec that has to be builds imps/cast vilefiend/ cast it’s CD, and into a turret of rotational much more casting than the whole spec spectrum roundup is sitting that low.

Shouldn’t a ramp spec at the height of a rotation be sitting sky high when in comparison to like mages/dks… Like what is even the benefit of casting this much.

These devs need to revisit their rpg archetypes designs because this is a fail. Or stop bringing overwatch mindset into the other specs.


This. The way almost all other DPS specs can ramp up their damage in 0.5 seconds while we’re still casting our first spell is extremely underwhelming. Not to mention that we rely too much on RNG, which wasn’t a problem when we actually had the chance to do real damage once in a while. But now, after they’ve nerfed everything to do almost no damage at all, RNG just means we’re sometimes stuck under tank DPS on certain M+ packs.

What really annoys me is how they use this “bug fix” excuse to strip away our extra damage, even when the class was performing just fine. Meanwhile, Ruination still doesn’t hit sometimes (just like it did before), and they don’t even bat an eye. It’s like they just don’t want us to have any fun.

List of things we hate and they never change:

  • Ruinating delay to hit the ground is absurd. Not to mention the inumerous time that the skill simply doesn’t deal any damage at all. When we had the “speedcast” it was acceptable, but now with the slow cast + the absurd delay to hit the ground it’s just ridiculous.

  • Decimetion talent proc use time is too short, its like 8 secconds. Wich means you often lose it because you don’t have the window to cast (Also it should be instant). And often when you use it the proc is gone and you start casting a 3.2 sec skill wich grind my gears really hard, feels like the spec is malfunctioning.

  • Diabolists procs need a daft punk buff, they should hit Harder, Better, Faster and Stronger.

  • Secrets of the Coven proc to Inferanl bolt should be instant.

  • Imolation cast should be shorter or instant or make cataclysm base, not a talent.

  • Curses should be base, not a talent.

  • Banish should be base, not a talent.

  • Diabolic embers should be base, not a talent.

  • Pact of Gluttony should be the base way that Healthstone works for warlocks not an end talent tree choice.

  • Cataclysm and inferno should not be in the same talent choice.

  • Roaring Blaze and Improve Conflagrate should not be in the same talent choice.

  • Chaos bolt takes too much time and the damage doesn’t match the time casting.

  • The ritual of ruin used to summon an infernal with stuns, wich was really great and wasn’t broken at all. They removed it and retarded the way we stack embers so we don’t use the Ritual of Ruining that often, since this change the damage curve is soo slow and we don’t get that sweet sweet reward after stacking every buff to spam dmg.

  • Fel Domination 3 min cooldown is so ridiculous, TBH this spell being a TALENT is rididiculous, making us cast for 4.8 sec to summon a pet is ridiculous, everything arround this is ridiculous. I can’t understand why they make this so much painfull to a pet spec to summon / ressumon the pets while they usually die in misterious ways even we having a TON of macros to control it.

  • Soulstone cast is ridiculous long and we should not have to spent a talent point to make it shorter.

I could go on and on on this list, and they will never change anything of this even being really simple changes wich could improve the gameplay quality without compromising the balance. The spec (not to mention the whole class) feels like we are playing something that is not functioning, missing pieces. Every time i play i feel like im doing something wrong.


As other classes getting more gears we fall off even further, Aff has a long AOE setup and Destro does almost no on demand AOE burst, and RoF do almost no damage, and Blizz want us to count nameplates, when to keep sending RoF, and when to start using single target rotation in AOE with havoc up, and hope for Ruination proc at the right time, all these things while doing just a mediocre damage and they now decided to nerf us, it’s ridiculous what the warlock balancing team have been doing at Blizz


Meanwhile top 3 dogs are still top 3 dogs

amd this is just the beginning, soulshard count is gonna be replaced. Each cast is gonna lower the countdown for summoned demons, not the shard count :slight_smile:

This is the only class they micromanage as if we are the top of the charts…


Exactly some if the things they made us put points into other spec/got baseline overtime.

Some of the class tree points don’t even make sense for them to be there. Especially things like banish, reduce cast times on soul stone/healthstone.??

This is back to legion all over again when they had us still having to use the health burn spell for mana but every other spec just basically got free resources when they did their rotation. It’s just asinine is all.

If you even took a look into what other classes/specs have gotten baseline back in their kits since DF it’s baffling that warlocks barely got anything. Actually we instead lost when our leech ability was removed from the spell book and then added to the class tree which didn’t even make sense and then they moved our port down requiring us to put points into it.

I think affliction got 1 thing baseline and it was the spell that I think almost every player hated equally malefic rapture I think.

The devs are really weird on which classes/specs they chose to give back baseline spells/skills. Also I cant believe most the community of players don’t question the devs tree design when some specs have 1 point nodes cost across both the spec/class tree vs others that can’t even pick anything really useful on theirs with too many 2 points cost acting as if to waste point usage.

There should be balance and fairness in the usage of those points. It shouldn’t be that one class has 30 points to allocate into a tree with only 1 points nodes vs others who don’t have the same availability. And the devs already knew about this which is why they had to improve the spec trees.

MOST importantly The MOP spec/class trees has the same points cost for EVERYONE, not this weird thing where these devs put 2 points nodes to some and not to others which means if you are the class/spec with 2 points nodes you actually have less points than another class/spec who doesn’t.

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