Why Vulpera popular but Worgen aren't?

No, they are not. I showed you that in a previous reply…but I suppose facts are inconvenient.

3% of WoW’s population isn’t popular. Wtf are you on.

I’m ‘on’ mathematics.

When there are 24 playable races, the average should be 4.17% each, given an even distribution. However, Blood Elves and Night Elves take up 30% of the overall population, which divides the remaining 70% by 22…or an average of 3.18% each. At 3.43%, that makes Vulpera slightly above average in popularity. Hence, being in 10th place out of 23 in the list.

We are certainly not as common as elves…no one is…but we are hardly unpopular.

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My man, anything below 10% of WoW’s total population isn’t popular. “Averages” doesn’t mean much when you’re dealing in such low percentages.

The popular races are the elven races. I don’t know what else to tell you.

That’s like saying being #10 in the top 20 song playlist on the radio makes it an unpopular tune. That’s illogical, and I don’t know what else to tell you.

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You need a hand clasping for those straws?

It’s so bizarre that you’re trying to use stats and math and percentages to help you, but you’re just proving my point by doing so.

Let me ask you this; do you consider your character’s race to be ‘unpopular’? You did just say anything under 10% is, and Night Elves are ‘only’ at 9.43%. Your premise seems to be that if you don’t play a Blood Elf, then you aren’t popular. That sounds, as you say, bizarre.

In comparison to Blood Elves, yes I do. The margin between the two is 10%, which is a large margin.

Because vulperas have tails.

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It’s the tails…


Can I get both? I love my wuggos fiesty and Bri’ ish.

I like Worgen, where else can you literally play as a Werewolf.

The Vulpera though are adorable and remind me of a Mogwai that wasn’t fed after midnight.

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Have you seen the Vulpera sleeping animation? Adorable!


I like you. You have good ideas.

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for me…its the casting animations and the armor models…Worgen males have the same problems with Transmog that Undead males have…that damn head piece.

Plus cute and small with flips when jumping tend to get peoples attention.

This is the reason I just can’t play a Worgen Druid. It just feels so weird to be a werewolf who transforms into a cat or bear.

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That’s very close to the average player base’s choice of race in an mmo with a lot of character races to choose from.

They’re more played than several vanilla races which is kind of impressive to me.

Like, they double the gnome and dwarf players.

In a high fantasy genre game beautiful elves are always gonna be the most played. They’re the vanilla comfort food of the people who like this genre. I even have a belf, lol.

But I don’t want all elves all the time or else I might as well be playing final fantasy.

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It was the disconnect between seeing the Worgen we all saw in Duskwood 18 years ago and thought “Man, imagine playing one of those” and the outcome that is… whatever those things are that we’re calling playable worgen.

Worgen would have been more popular had they been something closer to those original worgen. And vastly more popular than the fox people.

God, I hate the fox people.

While I like worgen, a lot of their mogs clip their ears away which looks awful

Also their racial abilities are pretty terrible compared to vulpera… Or any other race in the game, really…

We do make good fury warriors