Why Vulpera popular but Worgen aren't?

Of course it’s a Mechagnome saying this

No you have it completely backwards. Worgen don’t get to be bestial enough. All of their story is about repressing the beast so they can be British.

What’s a cooler fantasy:

-Being a huge, powerful werewolf who looms in the woods?
-Being British?

The answer is clear.

Was the last time you played midway through BFA? They don’t look like psychotic chihuahuas anymore.

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funny cute fox or goofy trying too hard psuedo werewolf with weapon scaling issues
you decide which sounds like it’d be more appealing to most of society
(hint: it’s not the comically almost edgy wolf people in most cases)

That’s the thing, we’ve seen grr I’m such a rage machine Worgen already. The Sons of Arugal still exist. We don’t get to see dapper and eclectic gothic-aristocrat werewolves who, when enraged, exude a murderous aura while finishing up a lovely cup of tea. They either are the standard ‘grr angy wuff’ type or seeming of commoner Human stock. Let’s see werewolf nobility, political games and theatre, and just how dangerous a properly-mannered shapeshifter can get once manners aren’t respected.

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We haven’t actually. We have not seen a worgen culture divorced from the glineans and the rule of genn greymane apart from some occasional druids.

Also, the worgen curse is not hereditary so it’s going to die out with this generation of worgen.

They’re literally just trying to make them Gilnean humans first and it’s a disaster hahah.

We’re not going to see a Worgen nation because without the control afforded by the Night Elf concoction, Worgen invariably go feral and dash off to Silverpine to murk Horde and Alliance both. There’s no real ground to tread there that the Orcs haven’t already covered. Gilneas is the best we’re going to get and honestly I want to lean into Gilnean culture versus werewolf tropes. I want the eccentric aristocrat. I want the curious apothecary willing to self-test (and this might even lead to tails!). I want the politician unafraid to show their claws to sway debate. I want the nobleperson whose lupine eyes glare at me over the tea they drink. Like a Kingsman (but, uh, not from the second movie) with lycanthropy.

I also think Worgen human form should instead be a ‘Visage’ form of sorts, where their human form still has lupine features like eyes, ears, optional tails, claws, nose, etc.

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Well that’s the thing-- gilneas is already a werewolf trope. They just have to play up the gothic fantasy tropes instead of the human pride which nobody cares about. Aint nobody wants to rp the british!!!

Here’s how you make people interested in their niche:
-Rebuild gilneas as a transformed society with a proper gothic horror and dark forest aesthetic
-make worgen curses heredetary!
-Make shapeshifting a meaningful part of their culture!
-Focus on better werewolf forms and have their culture accept lycanthrope!

worgen male = hunch back of noterdam.
worgen female = … needs more work but not bad.

Another thing somebody in this thread mentioned: the worgen are weirdly small? Even compared to other races that they’re supposed to be bigger than. Give them a tall straight-back posture.

For PVErs, it might be not having tails, but for PVPers Worgens’ racial just isn’t strong when compared to other races.

A short burst of speed on which you are almost guaranteed of getting snared/rooted every two minutes is not the way.

I will tell you why vulpera are more popular than worgens.

Vulpera have tails. That is all.

Cuteness rating.
Weirdo furry people like cute animals, not gnarly ones.

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the answer is simple, because Vulpera are cute and Worgens are cool.

Cute is more popular than Cool.

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  1. op racial abilities, especially when tanking.
  2. Worgen look stupid, Vulpera also look stupid but have a cringey “cutesy” look to them for fur people.
  3. Vulpera are Horde which is the better faction for WoW.
  4. Vulpera are easy to roll since they are allied and have a 10 level skip.

hunched and cant wear a hat because they all look stupid. i have a worgen rogue. hate it. wish i could stay in human form on it.

Vulpera have tails, and Worgens don’t.

If people want a tail they are going to roll Vulpera.



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I have a worgen tank. Dont equip any dodge or avoidance and you get massive rage. It is the most fun spec to play .

Agree to disagree there. I see plenty of worgen, and quite appealing.

But they are unpopular.