Warriors were supposed to have MASSIVE thick bone horns!
and not small thin horns on the shoulder…
While rogue has extremely frawless detailed polishment…
Dear god, lucky that i’m already have perfect mog.
Warriors were supposed to have MASSIVE thick bone horns!
and not small thin horns on the shoulder…
While rogue has extremely frawless detailed polishment…
Dear god, lucky that i’m already have perfect mog.
tiny thin horns on the shoulders makes no sense for any warrior ever… trolls at best
i’m utterly disgraced by this art decision
alliance should have massive iron plate on the shoulders, horde massive spikes/horns/bones
The rogue’s set is really cool, loving the ethereal vibe. Warrior I’m not too impressed with, although I do really like the simplicity of the boots and gloves. Those will be very nice to combine with other transmogs.
Rogue set for reference:
Warrior set for reference:
Hoping priests get something similar to rogue, I mean shadow spec is going to carry the aesthetic of our tier this season, right?… Right?
The Warrior shoulders are way too large, the horns really don’t have to stick out that much. You can have the same effect with shorter horns.
I like all but the warrior set.
The hunter set looks great for once lol.
Definitely not
This is what this set should look like
http s://ibb.co/qjw32rQ
Nah we are full on DPS, we could use a healer though. Just swap to holy, it’s all good.
9/10 potential
6/10 due tiny thin horns on shoulders
Cuz rogue need more skill to play than warrior