Why time rifts aren't a know issue for this week?

Serious question, Why we don’t have any thread from Blues at all regarding the state of this world event?

There’s so many threads, It’s always the same issue that Blizzard don’t interact with the playerbase just creating more frustation. Take the narrative in your hands and at least tell us what’s your next steps.

Just take some minutes and let us know that’s under review, that they acknowledge the issues and that the event didn’t worked as they expected on live servers.

Now it’s a whole weekend with this state without any news about fixes for next reset.

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I honestly wouldn’t expect a fix until next reset tbh. They probably know about the issue but are figuring out how best to deal with it. They cant not know at this point. But I agree the radio silence is frustrating.


Probably, next week is going to be a big downtime for maintenance but it’s frustrating that they have a whole week for a single reply and there’s 0 communication.

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