in a battleground like capture the flag match, if you have a tank on your team, and i have a MW monk, we gonna win no matter what. Tanks are not good at this game for pvp. They are only good for pve. It is a bad feeling having a tank on your team. It means you autolose.
Historically this just isn’t true. Tanks have always been a massive part of PvP and are the foundation. There is no PvP without Tanks.
This also isn’t true. As Prot I have beaten double MW in Blitz in Twin Peaks. However what you are trying to say is some classes did get way too much mobility like MW which does make them great FCs. So they can do that role.
However that just means Tanks don’t have to FC and can fill other roles. Oh btw against those double MW team I capped once and then returned 2 flags killing the MW EFCs.
Maybe what you are suggesting is Tanks need buffs and you might be onto something there though. Since Tanks should be required for some great PvP.
whats the highest rating youve been in blitz? what mmr? my main got to 2397cr, i never once saw a tank do good. on my alts, in the 1600bracket, is where u see all the tanks. and when u have a tank, they nerf ur team.
if a MW monk loses to a prot warr lol thats on the monk. no monk above 2200cr will lose to a prot anything. prots dont deserve to be in arena, or blitz.
whats your mains name so i can armory him ?
tanks are like the new ret paladins
now that ret is w.e they need to find something else overpowered to feel good about how unskilled they are
and this abombshield guy has been posting on these forums forever, but never shows his main. he must be a 1200 rated stuck player upset he cant tank his way to elite set ROFL
there is a specific reasoning for this lol. Tanks do not belong in pvp.
A tank with 10+ debuff stacks of the flag can get 1shotted by any class. A MW Monk FC with 10 stacks can indeed teleport and not die.
MW Monk best fc, Tanks are a nerf to your team.
why would you invite a tank when you can get an extra slot of one of those? LOL…thats the whole point
so what other roles are there? sitting a base? hunters, ferals, locks, rets, mages do it better
team fight? every other class does it better
see what im getting here?
I said I play Prot so just look at the Prot leaderboard in Blitz you will see me. I’ve been 2400 MMR.
So you are saying Tanks need buffs to better perform their roles in PvP.
Not completely. Prot War stuns/roots can give them a hard time and then allows offensve to get on them. They aren’t used to taking a lot of damage so when they don’t get away it’s an uncomfortable situation.
This is just a bad take. I’ve been playing WoW to play Prot PvP for the last 18 years. So I just can’t agree. In fact I think Prot makes Arena better too. They are just great in the team dynamic and add depth to the games.
I do agree though some Tanks do need buffs and hopefully that happens because they should be the foundation of PvP and make Team compositions stronger.
I agree Prot and Tanks shouldn’t be base sitting that isn’t their role. Finally we agree on something. Tanks should be in the team fight buffing their team and debuffing the other team. Eliminating threats by controlling them.
Sounds like you want Tanks to be buffed to contribute more. Which I do agree. That way they can better fill their roles in PvP.
Completely terrible takes. Its time you stop posting on these forums bro. You are NOT the pvp community. You are the minority of a minority
I agreed with you though. Tanks aren’t the best base sitters so why would they do that. They can fill other roles better.
Nah I’m having a good time in PvP as Prot and posting helpful information for other PvP players to learn.
Tanks arent the best ANYTHING. Thats my point
if you have a tank on your team, you lose
Ok so we are back at you wanting Tanks buffed. That would be just fine so they can fill their roles better.
Sigh… You are forum warrioring hard right now and your 24 post is real cute just another sock puppet.
As for this thread Tanks are essential in PvP as 1 of the 3 Class roles and no one should hate on them. That isn’t acceptable in the community and can lead to account closure.
We arent buffing tanks lol
No one wants tanks buffed
they love where they are. Nowhere to be found in arena, and barely see them in HIGH RATED BLITZ OR RBGS
This gameplay is PERFECT
“No one has the right to free speech. Tattle.”
Because WoW has never had good design when it comes to the trinity and PvP.
WoW for some reason just never knew how to design tanks for PvP. DAoC, Warhammer, and few other games made it work really well. WoW for whatever reason went a completely different path that’s resulted in tanks either being useless or OP, and almost never fun to engage with.
Hey champ, I think we all know that this isn’t true because you seemingly can’t help yourself. You make these assertatations about where tanks should or shouldn’t be, but you fail to realise that what you think, and how you feel, is absolutely meaningless.
Blizz has made it clear that tanks aren’t going anywhere, yet you continue to spin your wheels in some vain attempt to…convince us, the tanks, to stop playing tanks? We’re having a fantastic time over here. Are you able to enjoy anything that doesn’t involve negativity?
ima be cool and swag and play brewmaster in battleground blitz
Shut your mouth you stinky rogue smh.
Prot warrior counters melee hard. There is a reason.
I win far more often with a good tank than without one. Especially on flag maps that have shield lock outs. One tank can easily spin a flag vs 2 or 3 DPS. Over 2k, not as great because the players are better coordinating a cc chain to cap, but lower rating very effective.
When tanks are better than they are now, I play one and folks complain they are OP. The extra damage taken for just being in pvp, seems to affect some tanks much more than others.
That’s not at all what I said.
But yeah, you do not have the right, in game, or in this forum, to tell someone that they can’t play the role they want to play. You might make friendly suggestions! That’s certainly fair.
But to say and do the things that Zaranddrix reported were said and done to him? No. That’s not right, not fair. Those are reportable offenses.