Join usssss! Seriously though, Prot Pal is in shambles while Prot Warrior is the best it’s been in a very long time. We even have a self LoH on a 3 min cd that comes with its own 80% damage reduction.
I don’t hate tanks but they seem to have no roles in BGs anymore. They aren’t the best FCs and they aren’t even the best at living through damage, they just exist as an inferior DPS
I’m a Prot warr the last picked of tanks and love it for this reason, but I can tell you the tank hate for picking a spec I love hurts, and in most cases, I shrug it off, but I pay this game to play what I like which is the same I want for all, Blizz said I can be in the damn bg so I’m here, why give me crap when blizz is who you need to talk to or join a rated bg and not pick a tank IDK, sorry but not sorry
The fact a tank can do this by themselves speaks volumes about the issue.
What issue is that? That I am tankier than a dps, not as tanky as a healer, and I can play an objective by not necessarily killing an opponent?
It’s not like they can’t counter-play this using cc.
In DF Prot Warrior was an easy kill for me. Dont think I’ve seen one carry a flag in TWW. Dont even remember having one in a Solo BG with me to be honest. If Prot War can effectively do some tank type stuff without matching mid dps role output, thats fantastic with me.
My opinion is tanks should be tanky, the hardest target to kill while holding an orb or flag, but do fairly inconsequential damage, certainly not fatal 1vs1 damage to a fairly durable dps. If tanks are immortal in a 1v1(which makes sence) but also killing players, they are effectively better at being a dps than a dps, and we might as well all reroll tank or healer.
I’ve heard Prot War has been dishing out some massive Executes, but no one has told me about its survivability but you.
This is a strange statement, because if a tank is tanky, they kill by attrition. DPS are DPS because the do high damage, and they do it relatively quickly. It makes complete sense that a dps can die to a tank 1v1 because they get outlasted. They always have the option of noping out of such a long fight.
Well, there just aren’t that many of us out there.
Execute is what can make a Prot War dangerous. Don’t be below 35% health around them. As far as survivability goes, in my opinion it has a fantastic toolkit because it doesn’t rely heavily on any one thing. We can block (mitigate) all physical attacks as long as we are facing our opponent. We can block all direct spell attacks (again facing) with a 33% uptime through a cooldown. We can aoe debuff nearby damage by 25-30% for 8 seconds every 20 sec or so, we have our standard wall which cools down pretty quickly so long as we are spending rage, some hp regen via a few different talents, and most importantly we have Ignore Pain.
Of the four tanks I’ve played this xpac, it’s durability is second only to a Blood DK, but isn’t subject the disarm vulnerability that spec has, and it’s a hell of a lot more mobile.
Yet none of them are.
never back down
trash talk back
So you think a tank should, by design, kill a DPS, Kennie thinks tanks die Vs dps. I guess I’m more curious about design intent and how design choices have made tanks what they are now. Tank specs are not equiped equally for pvp so, some die, some kill, some dont normally die and have great kill potential. I loved playing Blood DK in MoP and killing 5 players, be it slowly, while carrying a flag. The reality tuning allowed at the time was, for the purpose of flag carrying, tanks were ideal. Now on live we have seen a shift in power and durability where healers with the best mobility, defensives, and great area denial have won the title of objectively “best flag carriers”. I dont think some healing specs being the ideal FCs is a good move for gameplay. Let me know what you think.
I think that there needs to be more parity between tanks, while still maintaining some form of speciality. As of late they all have lost some degree of tankiness, and some have maintained or gained some damage.
What I would like to see is a return to more tankiness, less damage, but a hard focus on utility through PvP talents. I also think SWTOR had it right with all tanks having a guard mechanic that made them split damage with their protected target. As it stands Prot Warriors have a form of this, but it only tanks physical damage, and only like 3 specs out of all of them do purely physical.
This won’t ever happen of course, because it would rock the hell out of the status quo boat.
As Prot I don’t want to sit because I’m not designed for that. I’m designed for team fights.
Base sitting classes are stealth, pet classes. So their pet can stop caps if the player is CCed. Then stealth for the obvious reason.
The problem is players like you don’t understand what most Tanks roles are and are unwilling to adapt. You keep instructing Tanks to do something they shouldn’t be doing.
Right now with an 8vs8 format, 1vs1s are common enough that a tank can go where there isnt a team fight and CC cap or kill and cap Vs 1 dps. However flag carrying as a tank becoming more viable than healers carrying would be cool. Something simple like tanks no longer take increased damage because they are a tank for CTF maps would be interesting, keep the stacking damage taken while carrying orbs and flags, but let tanks have a chance to carry effectively.
Tanks shouldn’t take increased damage to begin with.
With that said I think all movement abilities should be disabled while carrying the flag and if Dps/Healer grab the flag they should take 50% increased damage. The goal should be they can grab it but should be trying to transfer it to the Tank.
This makes the dynamic of FC maps very interesting. Since now everyone has the same mobility while FCing. Now escorting, defense, offense, CC and handoff for the flag matter.
Wdym? You dont like chasing a teliporting MW monk all over WSG when he has the flag? Lol. I think you’re right. Paladins claim MM is mobile, and in comparison, yeah, but I cant stay in range or los of a MW and I have stealth.
Most tanks I see in BGs are nearly useless and I actually dislike them as Flag Carriers. They tend to not be great at it and tanks feel squisher now than in DF strangely enough. I think the role also attracts many low skill players in random battlegrounds. I don’t do rated. I’ve never once been impressed by a prot paladin on my team. Guardian druids seem so much weaker than they used to be.
To be fair Tanks require gear the most of any spec. Some tanks have more utility than others like Prot War. However they don’t become a beast till their EHP and Damage gets up there from scaling.
A friend of mine just came back who has gotten Rank 1 in Arena as Prot and beaten everyone, Cdew, pika you name it. Much better player than me but he doesn’t have gear yet. So in a BG there just isn’t much he can do yet.
With that said Tanks do need more buffs to better fit their roles as Team fighters and protecting their team. Both buffing them and debuffing enemies. Some Tanks are in better spots than others and on the right track in design.
i have utility!
i also bring funny jokes and anecdotes to the bg chat. super important.
i should be able to tank 10 dps tho and im going to keep trying then blaming my team.
tanks just absolutely get under people’s skin for some reason. i did RSS last season as blood and got more hate messages and thrown shuffles than i ever get running premades. like you automatically lose an extra 20% of shuffle matches just for being a tank.
Tanks require a higher skill cap than Dps. It way more impressive to see someone play a Tank to it’s full potential than a Dps zug zug spamming their rotation. Tanks are more interesting to play because they have more depth. You need a higher awareness both offensively and defensively.