This new “roguelike difficulty” sounds absurd, particularly for such a grueling raid with so many one-shot and soak mechanics, where 1 or 2 people can cause the deaths of just about everyone in the raid. There’s several ways in which “roguelike” doesn’t align with WoW classic, let me just point out a few:
- In a roguelike, the average run is 30minutes to an hour. A wow raid is several hours long, depending on gear and experience & skill levels of those involved and preparation (consumables and world buffs).
- In a roguelike, if I die, I can go again immediately. In a wow raid, I’m locked until the next reset.
- In a roguelike, there are usually smaller unlock objectives that makes death during a run hurt less (ie, I don’t mind dying before the final boss, if I can unlock some weapons/items in the meta-progression system for use in future runs). In WoW, my character (and to some extent, my guild) IS the meta progression system, and if I or my guild don’t get loot for a lockout, we are no closer to being able to overcome that challenge.
The post that announced it is also extremely light on details:
- Is the increased reward MORE loot or cosmetics like molten/shadowflame weapons were in MC/BWL?
- Will we be able to see the loot before deciding to wager it?
- Will we be able to wager loot on a boss-by-boss basis, or does it have to be continuous?
- How many deaths are too many deaths? Do deaths during trash count?
Where are there no bad luck protection to prevent too many of a specific token group from dropping and not enough of another? My guild had 4 right bindings and absolutely no left bindings to complete even a single thunderfury, and only a single eye of sulfuras.
So, I have to ask… who asked for roguelike mechanics in SoD? Literally, the only thing I hear people complain about is lack of new content that was teased in the SOD launch trailer like scarlet monastery, karazhan crypts, uldum, etc and fixing pvp because shamans, pallies and boomkin are murdering everyone.
If you guys insist on doing some kind of roguelike mode, why not put it in karazhan crypts, where you go deeper and deeper, and try to uncover more and more secrets of the town that surrounded Karazhan. Even better, it could be in a new Scarlet Stronghold raid/dungeon that could give a .5-like tier set that compliments T2.5 from AQ. Thematically, the scarlet stronghold would also dovetail into the Naxxaramas event and raid for Phase 7.
EVEN BETTER, make it a new game mode like plunderstorm or a remix game mode.
EVEN BETTER, have one of the other microsoft studios develop it as a separate game.