I’ve never used a bag addon before, because I’ve never seen a need for it. I thought it was pretty neat that we could finally have a single combined bag in game, but I don’t use it because I just don’t like how it’s spaced out and how the equipment in the combined bag is organized based off of how the individual bags are labeled.
But today I log on after 10.1.5 becomes active and by default backpack is suddenly full and the other bags that are normally full just aren’t. Usually my stuff went into my other bags first when I would hit the organize button, but now it’s just in my backpack, which is really throwing me off when trying to find stuff, which is leading me to wanting to use my combined bag instead. But again, I just don’t like it.
Here’s my major gripe about the combined bag: Why does it have to fill from the top-down? Why not an option to fill from the bottom-up? Or left-to-right or right-to-left?
We have available bags slots (and the reagent bag which is by itself, which is nice). Horizontally in the combined bag there are 10 slots, which fits perfectly for 5 bags. So why not have the first 2 slots for the furthest bag to the left, the second 2 slots for the second to the left and so on, according to how it is laid out on out bars already?
I dunno, this all stems from me hating the fact the bags were randomly changed so my backpack is full first which is opposite of what it was yesterday.
Can I bump this? I’d really like an answer too. Is this a bug that they’ll eventually hotfix to correct? I frequently have nearly full inventory and now when I hit that Organize button all my items fill up other bags but leave my bag in the F9 slot empty. what the heck with that? I don’t have any bags marked as Ignore or for specific items either so I know it isn’t that. Annoying to have my empty spots in the middle of my bags for no reason.
Found this by googling “wow command reverse bag order” and it’s an official post from Blizzard.
I think this will help you:
The “loot to leftmost bag” and “reverse clean-up bags” options were removed from the interface with a previous patch, however you can still toggle these options on and off through the following chat commands:
Clean-up Bags
Default (Left-to-Right)
/run C_Container.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(false)
Reverse (Right-to-Left)
/run C_Container.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(true)
Loot Order
Default (Right-to-Left)
/run C_Container.SetInsertItemsLeftToRight(false)
Reverse (Left-to-Right)
/run C_Container.SetInsertItemsLeftToRight(true)
These options will only determine which bag position looting or sorting starts in. Bags still get automatically filled from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.
Thanks! I’ve have to do this with every new character I create since they implemented the new combined bag. I have it saved on a notepad file on my desktop, lol.
The command somehow didn’t work for me. I found AdvancedInterfaceOptions addon can put my bags to how it was before. If anyone’s inclined to add another addon, give it a shot. Check or uncheck Reverse Clean Up Bags and Loot to Leftmost Bag in the main options of the addon.
Thanks. Will try that out. Put in a ticket about the issue and the response was basically “no such bug exists it’s your problem, stop bugging us”, as expected.
Get adibags and your life will improve dramatically. You will wonder how you ever lived without it.
Sorts items automatically. If you don’t like how it sorts or the categories you can easily change them. Auto-sell junk with one button. I could go on and on…
I use the in game auto sort, never use “clean up bags”, and detest all in one bags. I like being able to open only one at a time and find all in one bags esthetically displeasing.
If you click or right click or something on the open bag you can dictate what goes in it. The categories are all I need.
Reagent bags are great. No reagent bag crafting items go in the consumable bag with my hearthstone. Along with stuff I’m saving for later, like the fyrakk gear.