Why the long wait for flying?

Has it been over 212 days since BFA launched? Yes or no?

Once again, can you prove that…?

Once again, it’s not that kind of an argument.


okay, but for how many was that the straw that broke the camels back so to speak?
can you flat out tell me that 5.5 million people quit solely because of flying?

and if flying really is that popular, how come flight simulation games aren’t INCREDIBLY POPULAR right now?

People don’t find flying fun, they find it efficient. if flying was fun, when flying was unlocked in Legion, people would have been flying around just to fly. instead, we had people flying to go places.

know what i notice when i look at the sub numbers for that time period?

during mists subs had declined to around 7.5 million.
around the time draenor came out, which was heralded as the second coming of burning crusade, subscriptions rocketed up to 10 million subs in early draenor.
only for people to realize this was no burning crusade 2.0, and was instead an expansion that had so much left on the floor and there was nothing to do. people unsubbed in droves dropping it back down below mists numbers because people were BORED.

others stuck around, but when no flying came out, all hope was lost and they too unsubbed.

point blank - my best guess is 5 million people quit during warlords because the expansion was terrible
it was yet more orcs and orcs and orcs (after following thrall around all cata, and dealing with garrosh and his merry band of idiots during mists, people were orced out).
it was yet more pruning and homogenization and removing of rpg aspects of the game.
there was nothing to bloody do, it was after all, called warlords of garrisoncraft.
and lastly they dropped the no flying bomb.

Just like in WoD people are irritated about a lot of things. When people are already agitated, things that wouldn’t otherwise bother them… do. Things that irritate people which are present in every activity, like travel, contribute to lowering this threshold. Blizzard needs to start with the things that are in everything first to restore people’s frustration tolerance.

I don’t know man. Cata, WoTLK and BC all had flying and were very popular among players.


Oops. I apologize because I misspoke. WoD started with 5.5 million players from the end of MoP.

I meant to say that the pb dropped by half from 5.5 million.

And no, there’s no survey of which I’m aware. But I’ve played for 14 years on 6 servers and in that time have made a lot of friends and been in a lot of guilds

The player dropoff was unavoidably noticeable and 1/2 may be a conservative estimate of the loss.

Moreover and worse, the PB has never recovered from that loss because with it went many large and long-standing guilds and thousands of veteran players.

So, do I have an accounting balance sheet or hard sub numbers? No. But I do have eyes and ears and as I mentioned, I was there and can see how drastic the dropoff was.

From disbanded guilds to dark friends lists and empty servers; to the reduced server caps in July before BfA launched (a pretty obvious indication that all is not well) the handwriting is on the wall

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I think the quick answer to your question is that we are on a longer patch cycle than Legion - so it is literally longer in time, but not cycles - not that I would think that is a satisfying answer - but I think from everything I have read that it is accurate.

No. Flying does not and cannot “trivialize” the already trivial, as I’m assuming you mean ground trash packs and terrain hazards you’ve been over dozens of time. If this is your idea of “fun” or “content” you and I disagree irremediably.


Whether you like flying or not, access to it is time gated not because Blizzard wants you to enjoy the view from the ground, but because Blizzard releases RNG based re-playable content. This allows them to release less content but allows it to remain relevant. By forcing no flying, the content takes that much longer to do, making it last even longer. Even an extra minute or two adds up over days, weeks, and months. That’s why they only open it up when they have a new land for us to go to…

Personally I never understood why people who want to fly cant just fly, and those who don’t just don’t. It was one think when resources used to disappear, but they are pretty prevalent now, and they hang around for a few extra seconds after first being accessed.

Personally I like flying and wish we had the MOP design. I can tell you I played MOP roughly 20-30 hours a week for the entire expansion. Flying did not take away from my enjoyment of the game, it added to it. My time in game is limited now, roughly 1:00 - 1:30 a night if I am lucky, and spending a portion running from place to place, or playing the hearthstone, Dalaran, whistle game, to get around when I could fly is a waste to me.


Very eloquent

Can you prove that?

Yeah remember how flying ruined Mists and Legion? Me either.

Remember how not having flying in almost all of legion ruined it? Yeah, me either.

Yeah and how not having a million stupid world quests, follower missions and boring azerite didn’t ruin every other expansion? Also no one likes a sycophant, Blizzard isn’t going to like you more for defending their bad decisions. The reason we don’t have flying is to spite us plain and simple.


So I get that you read the Wikipedia article on the Burden of Proof. This is people talking about their subjective experiences, they aren’t required to provide evidence other than their testimonials. Further WoW exists as information not empirical-operational constructs. The only thing which they would need is to show that their views are common, which Velara has. You’re argument, which Matcauthon has been attempting to make is that the ground crowd is a utility monster… meaning that your needs out weight the needs of the flying crowd.

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How about all those players who got fed up and quit because they could fly at max level?

Oh, wait. . .

As established by Matcauthon there are multiple factors. Therefore variable flying and variable the awesomeness that is Legion are not mutually exclusive. Not flying can still suck in Legion and Legion’s totally otherwise greatness can overcome it. Further no one is making the argument that flying is the only thing wrong with BfA. You’re creating that qualifier to lower the standard of your own argument.

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Blizzard states they think players should not use flying, fact.

It is therefore necessary that Blizzard cannot be wrong. We have already established that they can be wrong.