The possibility for mods is not an excuse for failing to deliver. Even when you know where you are going, getting around is not fun, it’s work. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.
Working as Blizzard intended, fact.
… and yet, you posted the overly dead-and-beaten interdimensional horse topic once more.
We already know how PF works: part 1 in the beginning of the expansion, part 2 near the end together with a minizone that is so small that flying would be pointless (yet, annoying to navigate through).
That was the (one sided) ‘compromise’ from WoD; unlikely to change unless players start unsubbing specifically to have this changed but I don’t see that happening any time soon so… yeah, we are stuck with PF.
Because the devs got the backsides spanked in WoD when they decided “no flight ever again” and then got their collective backsides tanned by the higher-ups when the lacklusterness(general opinion at large it seems) of WoD added to the lack of flight caused a mass exodus even bigger than the one BfA seems to be causing. And their general lack of talent makes it too difficult for them to design content with flight in mind without taking a lot of extra time to do it.
Semper Fi!
Well evidently more players disagree with the devs than agree with them.
Otherwise, servers would be full, guilds would be full; friends lists would be lit up like Christmas trees.
Instead, Azeroth is a dismal empty world whose population is cobbled together through CRZ and phasing.
Can you prove that?
I’m sorry, which zone in WoD was “so small that flying would be pointless”? Every zone ended up with flying, including Tanaan.
As for flying… I still don’t understand how flying over stuff suddenly makes content better. I am not going to go out and do WQs I didn’t do before just because I can suddenly fly. I am not going out into the world because of flying, and I can’t see the rationale how that would be the case for anyone.
Flying IS convenient for doing stuff, but it’s not necessary.
Prove what? That servers are empty? Use your eyes. Apart from expansion areas, there is no one around.
It lets you skip the stuff you don’t want to do to get to the stuff you do want to do, like the same long winding path 50 times to reach a world quest. Nobody wants to go up and down those stairs in Zandalar… it was cool the first time but now it’s tedious.
That it was caused by flying, silly. WoW has had how many expansions? Many have had flying and many have not. I mean, by your logic I’ll say “Legion was one of the best expansions in WoW since wotlk and there was no flying for most of it, flying kills the game”
Got me there: the whole ‘small zone’ thing started in Legion with Argus (and TI in MoP but you could still buy flight in MoP). I guess WoD’s TJ was already in the plans and was too large to have an excuse limiting flying there.
I partially agree with your statement of how flight is a convenience but not a need: in the example that you mention, WQs: I normally limit myself to how far from the FP a WQ is (unless it has some reward I really want), flying would make me consider getting that WQ done because I can bypass all of the mobs without navigating the terrain and it would be much faster than going on the ground (even if there were no mobs around and you were traveling in a straight line, it would still be faster flying).
However, it extends beyond WQs, gathering and instance content traveling is also made very easy once you have flying.
Can it be done traveling on the ground? Well, yes. We are doing it right now in BFA. Does flying improve it? Yes, by a lot: no more mobs, no more terrain navigation.
Legion was amazing despite the lack of flying, and was improved by having it. My alts didn’t touch High Mountain, Suramar, or Stormheim until they could fly.
I fell in too a hole and could not get out of it due my HS was CD and the stuck button was broke at that time.
Care to prove it? 'Cause I disagree. Legion was amazing without flying, proving we didn’t need it.
This isn’t a proving thing, it’s an inductive argument. It’s qualitative. You like it, great. Let other people enjoy the game, nothing stops you from walking everywhere.
Which is where we get to the crux of things: flying is only OP for gathering and trying to avoid PvP, which yes is much more lucrative nowadays with a passive buff involved.
It still doesn’t help make content better though, and I don’t think “I want to make the hunt for anchor weed easier” is much of an argument. We are talking about blizz after all.
I’m not the one making that claim. In fact, removing flight killed the playerbase and it’s never recovered since.
Flying has no effect on content, whatsoever.
But it does trivialize some things.
For the record, I am pro flying, but I am also pro pathfinder and even waiting.

Flying has no effect on content, whatsoever.
Depends. Look at WotLK: the expansion was designed with flying as a need because some areas could only be accessed with flight.