Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

bro it was a counter to something YOU said. How can you then pretend like I brought it up and you don’t care about it!?!?!?

exactly… not until it was announced then suddenly a bunch of forum lice come out of the woodwork to defend it religiously. Same would happen with LFR I guarantee you. Some people live to be contrarian and stir the pot.

So are you arguing that the demographic that classic catered to is the exact same as the one that retail was catering to prior to classic’s release?

If that’s the case then why did wow subs increase when classic came out more so then had been previously recorded in the game’s history since WoD. And why do classic and retail players constantly but heads over which game is better and which one blizzard should ‘focus’ on.

Because classic is a different game. It brings a different challenge and playstyle than retail. It has nothing to do with boosts or microtransactions. Blizzard killed retail with poor updates and bad game design.

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I was clearly saying a long list of factors create a demographic.

Dude you’re not even making sense anymore. I’ve countered everything you’ve said. At this point I’m wondering if you know what a demographic is.


lol nice selective quoting. I knew cus I put one part in exaggerated caps means you strawman it. Whatever mate, you countered zilch. I’m done with this discussion. Believe what you want. I’ve made my case clearly and you pretend like I didn’t write it.

Different demographics exist even within 1 game genre and different games within the same genre can cater to different demographics. FF14 caters to a different audience than wow retail does and wow retail caters to a different audience than classic. You’ve admitted as much yourself so don’t bother debating it.

And this all links back to what I said which was that the 2 times you don’t want new players is when those players are only going to be around in the short term but will leave behind long term impacts on the game’s economies and communities and when the new players you are attracting are being enticed by a new feature that differs heavily from the game’s prior design because those new players will expect the rest of the game to play like the impression they were given and start demanding changes, creating conflict between the pre-existing player base and this new player base.

Sure, but theres no ‘NO BOOSTING!’ demographic.

There is an anti-convenience demographic and an anti-microtransactions demographic and an anti-p2w demographic (ok with mtx but not p2w mtx).

Anti-boosters fall under those categories.

Boosting and antiboosting does NOT fall under those demographics. Boosting is not a microtransaction, and its not P2W. Its a one time option service. You’ve now tried to make boosting something that it isn’t, because you’re grasping for arguments at this point.

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visual confusion

and we come full circle back to the start of this debate which we’ve already been through. I actually have irl responsibilities so I’m going to quit wasting my time now and get some sleep for a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow.

Imagine hate-subbing to a company instead!


None of these things are objectively true.

OP constantly saying that this is going to create an issue where is he forced to interact with players that he doesn’t wish to interact with. LOL.

OP is literally the kind of person that I hope I never have the misfortune of ever having to interact with. Whether in game, or in real life. Someone who continues to gripe and try and go against decisions made by the company who makes the game that were obviously made based on data and with a higher majority of the playerbase in mind.

I refuse to argue about something that is going to inevitably happen anymore. What a complete waste of time. If you think you’re going to have people sign petitions and change their mind, or somehow sway the decision they have already probably brought through a board of members of their committee then you are sadly mistaken.


by constantly you mean one of the many points in the OP of course?

and based off of this, you’re exactly the type of person I’d like to meet because you’re easy to win debates with.

so because company makes decision means it is automatically good and every potential ramification has been considered.

Something being tolerated or liked =/= objectively good

then quit typing in the forums. Can’t say you’re above it when you actively participate in it.


I never said I expect these threads to change their minds but I hope that they would.

Yes, “WOKE MENTALITY” is alive and well within the “blizziod group” and the WoW "game boy community ‘’. Also known as, “elitism”. You people are sick!

There are so many reasons why the boosts will negatively impact the game.

and more and more public figures within the wow community are beginning to realise it. Hopefully it makes a difference. Of course I have strong doubts on that. I’m no longer surprised by the shamelessness of blizz’ greed.

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It’s obvious isn’t it? They gots oats to sow. They want to show the game they sucked at 15 years ago who’s boss. And part of that is being “better” than others.

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Your first point is incorrect, so I stopped there. It is always more economical for a botter to invest in multiple accounts rather than buy a singular boost. Why settle for 1 character, when you can have 3-4 running simultaneously for the same cost. You earn a far bigger profit by not boosting, and just running multiple accounts. What you lose in time leveling, you earn in a multiplicative rate of profit… and the redundancy helps you avoid ban waves in part.

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“it aids bots”

You’re delusional if you think botters are going to blow $30 on every single bot instead of just buying more accounts to run more bots.

“it makes the game less accessible”

Nobody is forcing you to buy the boost. Also it’s $30, if you can’t afford $30, how can you afford a monthly $15? lol

“it makes a new meta”

how in the everloving fug does a ONE TIME PER ACCOUNT character boost somehow create a “meta” ? Are you even listening to yourself? Nobody is going to create and PAY FOR extra accounts just to have that stuff, outside of the insanely sweat-dripping top 0.1% of players.

“it de-legitimizes other players”

I don’t feel intimidated by other people having a single new level 58 character. I’ve got four 60s already. /shrug


Playing on a modern client is not “the classic experience” either. Having 15 years of experience and knowledge is not “the classic experience”. Starting with patch 2.4.3 talents is not “the classic experience”. What’s your point?

“player boosting is better!”

No they’re not lol, you’re paying chinese botters and gold sellers.

“clueless players!”

Even without boosts you still get clueless max level characters because questing to max level does not test your ability to play your class well in a dungeon/raid environment.

Boosts are in. Deal with it. If you hate it so much, vote with your wallet and stop playing :slight_smile:


1 boost per account is not enough. We want to give you more $$ Blizzard.