They’ve already poached more than enough from Blood Elves and have many many many great facial hair options. They don’t need to poach more from Blood Elves.
And yes. But anything they don’t have they’re already demanding. They are basically screaming for a complete carbon copy of Blood Elves, plus additional void options on top of that, plus a third visual theme while Blood Elves don’t even have a single unique visual theme.
They also take anyone who expresses that BEs and other races get work done first as someone saying they should never get anything again. It’s rather dramatic, the idea VEs have taken Blizzards time in two passes and can wait a second doesn’t mean they’ll never see another option in the future but I think they make that a part of their request the idea that it needs to be now that’s why they describe their situation as “VEs haven’t gotten a single pass” when it’s literally been two passes
In fact they seem fine BEs didn’t benefit this last pass despite themselves being bumped into time for core races, so it’s the same idea when BEs get worked on for an actual pass they shouldn’t be already getting their third pass
I just rechecked the character creator, and yes, it’s only blind eyes. I made myself look like a fool. However, they were supposed to have a heterochromia option that was cut! Imagine cutting little we get.
So sad guys, you evidently don´t own a DH toon or a DK one, cause the racial customizations? those weren´t available in regards to stuff like eye colors.
Would I know, my male Belf DH could have used a blueish version of the eyes cause in his case is VERY hard to sell it as “High Elf”. He´s lorewise as blood elfy as he could be, period. Same with my male Forsaken DK, in him I´d have loved to use the purple eye versions but alas!!! wasn´t possible. Both of them are stuck with their class eye colors.
In short: I think I´ve seen VERY wild, literally lore contradicting and absurd stuff coming from RPers for their toons, and nobody got hurt because of it. If people wants to use RP tools to RP their own headcanons, then let them be. This stupid (there I said it) stance about making concessions in some cases and becoming the “lore PD” in others has to end when not even the devs took on the mantle of lore police, period.
If a Paladin player wants to RP a vampire, let him/her be. Is not different to your average Velf toon using the Helfer RP tools to portray a “sacred” priest, period.
You go girl!!! This is your right and nobody can question it, period.
I disagree more taking into account the actual investment Blizzard gives to the races, both core and AR ones. And that investment is buried in neglect (no seriously, not even the humans get actual decent screentime, only the two human pet characters from the writers get regularly shoved down all our collective throats 24/7).
The San´layn as an AR would get the same mediocre development HM, LF, DID, Mag´har, Velf and NB got when they became actually implemented and the people would just get another chance at getting disappointed because of it. It would make just another race to compete in the neglect department when not even DECADE old core races like Worgen, Tauren, Gnomes or Goblins have something to show for.
No, Blizzard already have their plates full with a huge number of races, we don´t need to add to the pile just to end up complaining a decade from now about chronic neglect. Call me bitter but you all know deep inside I speak the truth.
Regards to your dad, hopefully he celebrates a lot more birthdays with you guys.
They fool nobody with a workable braincell, cause reasonable people won´t take seriously the “lore” arguments of people against something that deliberately and openly ignore these same “lore” issues to catter to their personal agenda (I mean If San´layn don´t work for Belves cause Belves aren´t vampires, they much less work in favor of Alliance when the faction killed those vampires en masse short of an expac ago ffs. and their elves are either full of Old God juice or are traditionalist so hardcore they literally raised a temper tantrum over elves draining mana from a critter ffs).
The spirit is strong but the flesh is weak, Fen. I frankly lack the self control to avoid pointing the absurd, incoherent and/or ridiculous in “arguments” full of any of these characteristics.
I´m NOT a believer that misinformation should be wildly condoned because people is afraid of getting into a discussion. Neglect to fight for the truth causes trouble too.
Which one, Tarrok? a lot of those were literal troll bait material.
Tl;dr: Alliance deserve special treatment because reasons.
Dear, if the “but muh huge number of original customizations” had been relevant, the Humans alone would have ensured you people got nothing remarkable either.
Gameplay issues -created by the players btw- are NOT an excuse to beg for special treatment in the customization department ffs. And then you wondered why I never bought your “I CaRe for Belves” stance, lul.
Transparent as usual.
Long time no see Zandrae… we have been putting a bunch of stuff in the Belf thread, check when you have the time.
It´s truer that both Humans and Nelves had huge number of customization options before the expac launched too and that didn´t prevent them getting a decent pass.
I mean, how does the saying goes? what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If perfectly acceptable for people to RP a Helf or a Sandtroll with a Velf/Darkspear model, then people using the Belf model should be able to RP a Dark Ranger and nobody has the right to complain nor question this choice, period.
It´s the stance taken and cimented by Blizzard from 9.1.5 onwards and we all WILL have to roll with this, no more and no less.
Depends, cause the High elves living the safe life in Stormwind or Quel´Danil certainly never experienced a zombie apocalypse, dude. Only the Belves did it.
“buut, buut!!! Umbric et al!!”. Sure, but they are blueberries. It would imply the scar option would only be available to you guys on the blue skins.
The jewerly you can take, is hideous and useless. The runic scarifications I rather you guys don´t poach too cause we are reaching that limit in which nothing we propose as unique for us you will respect and exert some self control NOT to ask for.
Fallyn mentioned fire ombrés for an hypothetical phoenix theme, that weekend I posted several examples in the Belf thread. Not even 5 days later, the usual trolls created a thread demanding suspiciously similar hair colors for Velves /dissapointed sigh