Why the lack of Customization?

Frankly, simple filigree jewelry would go a long way. The moon themed piece was a good start, it just needs to be expanded on.


That second theme you’re asking for is already a horde races main theme a race who also doesn’t have a second visual theme.

So you’re asking for a Horde races main visual theme again for a second visual theme.

Yet the first one you stole still doesn’t have a second visual theme either or unique options like the race you’re speaking of that was given options for its main theme in abundance.

So yes NB are our Highborne and that theme is theirs.


Nightborne do not have a iron grip on filigree/chain jewelry.


Jewelry , regal hairstyles and azshara skin tone are everything i need. Purple eyes and arcane face markings are a bonus.


In terms of the NE/NB situation it seems they do otherwise where are these options you’re asking for at the expense of another Horde races visual theme.

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Yeah I feel like Azshara and Vashj is a good concept to work off of. Small inclusions and as mentioned earlier, even something like pearls would probably work.

I don’t really see these happening though. I kind of see them doing ‘possibly’ green eyes to mirror the fel consumption.

Bit of a reach, but you do you. Filigree jewelry is just basic fantasy.


Azshara and Vashj are unique characters.

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I mean, there are themes to play with and get inspiration from with the Tomb of Sargeras that would work as well.


Then ask for a second theme too? NB druids?

Then… ask for a second theme? I wish you, all the luck!

I doubt devs even know HB consumed fel tbh. But would be cool :slightly_smiling_face:


Like Averyx is so fond of pointing out for Horde requests I think.

Vashj and Azshara are special cases and characters.

Nightborne should better represent their own visual theme than NEs asking for a second.

I’m still over here curious why BEs the core race that lost visual uniqueness for its parallel AR on the opposite faction doesn’t have a second visual theme.

I’m glad at least NB retain their own visual theme despite the request to steal that too, Horde has Highborne :hugs:

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Well I don’t think they have forgotten about the Shen’dralar as they used that brother and sister for the Azsuna questline (one of my favorites). Those two were so interested in their history as Highborne it was cute to see their excitement.

I think a nod that they consumed fel would go a long way, could also settle with the Malfurion green eyes and folks can RP that they’re Sen’dralar easier. So while it’s not exactly fel green, it’s at least green.


(It’s kind of funny, Blizzard is as bad with Malfurions eye color as they are with Velens)


Where is Blood Elves second visual theme that allows them to choose their main visual theme and an entirely second theme like VEs?

You expect us to believe NB will get that when the first race this was done to for the benefit of the Alliance wanting to play a Horde race hasn’t seen a return?

Talking about what’s owed next time when last time is still there glaring for all to see.


And dark ranger Velonara expresses Blood Elves are her kin as much as Forsaken and her place is Horde.


I mean, that’s neat? I don’t know what you’re implying.


Bad example lann.

She is the only dark ranger to express that and most of them acknowledged their life as a blood elf/high elf has passed.

They are forsaken thorough and thorough.

Although I have been silent with the shendelar thing, I do not feel night elves needs customization for that beyond maybe jewelery. Most of the shendelar rp can be done with simple transmogs.

Blood Elves should get unique options for their main visual theme, that aren’t shared like Farstrider tattoos. And a second visual theme to account for VEs having two themes one of which was given at the expense of any sense of visual uniqueness for BEs. Heck VE players / Alliance fans seem to be under the impression VEs got “nothing” and want unique options before BEs? BEs got jewelry so unless it’s that you’re after hopefully blizzard moves on, any core race that is lacking is better than VEs once again.

Now NEs who have arguably some of the most new options and impactful ones at that want another Horde races main visual theme before the first race they stole from has gotten literally??

So yes NEs shouldn’t add another layer to further stealing of visual uniqueness of Horde races.

I can sympathize but I really agree with the original NB poster I saw arguing earlier.


I love them too. That quest was really nice!

They aren’t working on core races. Maybe next patch? keep requesting a second visual theme and you might receive in the future.


Next lawsuit.


And when they were VEs got a second visual theme at BEs expense when BE customization was already lacking in both options and impactful ones. So VEs skipped the line idrc, but obviously you do?

In the meantime I’m not about to be anything but defensive for another Horde races visual theme.


Btw Blizzard, all ladies and men need septum nose rings as well as stud earrings.

Maybe even belly piercings :eyes: