I think the runic stuff should stay with the belves too, tbh. We just need some new hairstyles and beards, really. I would like some Farstrider tattoos like Alleria, but I wouldn’t be too upset if we missed out on that - even if I do think we should be the people getting it
Some Belf posters want those (one in particular comes to mind), personally I want actual Hordish inspired warpaint similar to the mockups done by Izzabelle (cause let´s be all honest here: the “Farstrider tattoos”? Those aren´t tattoos, that´s glorified warpaint inspired in irl celtic warpaint -and well, Helves in WC2 were basically tolkien rippoffs, so… no wonder they had those in the RTS-).
This is a feature that most probably will end up shared between both races, and I rather we get aesthetical differences with bigger color availability than the same freaking art designs and getting restricted to a few colors for each side.
I propose bolder designs for the Belves -they after all have been dwelling with Orcs, Trolls and Tauren for a decade and counting, less chance they have some prejudice towards getting half of their face painted when the people they dealt with 24/7 have no issue with this- (also the increase on the threat effect is amazing, you can check in the Belf thread if you want).
I also think the same for our High Elves. They’ve been with the Alliance and humans forever, right? Surely they’d have rejected some of their old beliefs now and embraced some human and Alliance customs? Maybe they could look a bit more human-like with some hairstyles, tatts and some other random stuff.
At the risk of stepping on human fans toes, maybe the Velves can get some make up options ported from the Human models? (you know, so the mages take on a more “Human” inspired appearance).
Someone in the Belf thread suggested the Belf feathers could have some “magic” effects similar to the Claw of the Phoenix fist weapon (well, hair and feathers with this effect if the regulars aren´t added), you guys could go for stuff inspired on the Wildhammer asets considering you spent the same decade and counting interacting with them.
Void Elves haven’t been in the line for an actual updates yet. These are still “good will”-changes after the constant negative reception your faction received during Battle for Azeroth for two of your Allied Races and for the idea of Void Elves itself. You are a minority player faction and they really thought Mechagnomes is something what people wanted to play.
Void Elf customization options are likely coming with a Blood Elf update.
We also only got skins and blue eyes when Blood Elves got their turn, though. Now should be the time that Void Elves get brand new content, just like how the other Legion ARs are getting theirs. I wouldn’t even care if Blood Elves got some of our new stuff too, if Blizzard wanted to be really lazy.
Yes, I remember the update. This was the beginning of these stupid kindergarten wars too.
Speaking of customization options: Can the HMT please get the Fel Antlers so we can at least pretend to be part of these Fel Tauren in Highmountain?
Imagine your wow character creation like this …
Only imagine, because even if games you would not see a character have better customization, WOW IS NOT LIKE THAT.
You dont play wow to have customizable characters. You play wow for the “content” (content meaning stories that were cool once told over and over again with shuffled characters, like Sylvanas in Lich King fight with a twist, or Turaliarthas as the other twist down the line).
The most “aesthetic uniqueness” you might find is recoloring armor in more ways.
Lord. If games would devote the time to customizing like that, everyone would look so unique. It would take me hours, but it would be worth it.
This makes me laugh.
What would they lose? Nothing. They’d gain more paladins.
A warrior using the light is one of the ways paladins were made.
It’d be a cool different angle. Cenarion druids have their origins in the forests. Makes sense they’d like them.
Having a different sect that is more accepting of how nature already is, like a desert, and has beliefs and such to teach to other groups would be pretty cool.
Sounds cool to me.
A big bison or equivalent would be fitting, and kinda goes along with the native vibe that Tauren have. Although, it’d be a cool form for a playable taunka druid.
They really did deserve better.
I wish Blizz would fix that. Give the High Elves and any other group that should have been a proper allied/sub race the proper treatment.
That would be cool if the content was good. It’s just boiled down to raids and mythic+. Ohhh boy. How exciting.
If I were working at blizzard I would probably say: “The content is not good because you are having fun wrong”.
So true it hurts. But JAB is gone so who knows anymore. Maybe we’ll actually get content that’s not just a raid and mythic +
Yes, abs for the playable Draenei (regular Draenei and Lightforged Draenei) would be so amazing.
The corrupted red skin color, the corrupted orange skin color and the corrupted purple skin color with the green eye color and purple eye color for the regular Draenei would be amazing too.
A green skin for the regular Trolls (Darkspear tribe) could be great too.
9.1.5 is their update, high elfers hyjacked our chance to get more void options.
This entire graphics engine needs to be scrapped. I just hope they don’t go with this ridiculous wow 2.0 garbage and reboot everything. Everyone who wanted that is playing classic.
I kind of like the short ponytail myself.
I think a reboot or retelling of the story would be nice lol.
What a cool idea! I hope all core races get Nightborne and LF draenei treatment, because they look so amazing now. I don’t even play a LF draenei (not a fan of the light theme) but i think they are one of the best looking alliance races now.
This is why I’m hanging up my hat in WoW for the foreseeable future. (Ironic that I’m “done with the game for now” and that’s when we start getting more high elf customizations on Alliance lul)
But the game boiling down to simply M+ or Raiding, having a static world that doesn’t feel “lived in”, and the amount of grind to be done in a seasonal format is all just too much.
They’ll have to make massive changes to bring me back, that’s for sure.
P.S. the story is so ridiculous now too btw that I feel like my love for the lore has gone down the drain.