Why the hell was plunderstorm marketed as a DF patch?

When it has nothing to do with WoW at all, we got NO NEW CONTENT IN DF, it is a seperate game that has nothing to do with DF.

The only connection this dumpster fire has to DF is that you can unlock cosmetics in DF. We literally were lied to, we got nothing in DF.

I don’t understand how disconnected the devs could be by hiding this behind a “omg DF content coming” but I log INTO DF and there is… nothing. IT was a cheap lie, the fact that the cosmetics are tied to it are a joke.

Nobody would be playing this if it didnt unlock cosmetics. This wasn’t a DF patch, it was a cheap trick to and increase player retention in a half baked game mode they wasted dev time and resources on when we could have gotten something… inside DF… like… you promised

It was disingenuous to market this as a Retail/DF thing. It should NOT have been on the DF/retail roadmap. It was misleading



10.2.6 is a DF patch. It had changes for the main game, but also this new game mode.


It is kinda greasy to advertise something as a wow update and it’s a different game

We gunna get a new overwatch skin in the next wow patch?


Correct, just like nobody would pvp or raid or do trial of style or any other content in retail if it didn’t have cosmetics so im not really understanding your point here.


I mean, as much as I agree with you, my talents did get changed.

I wasn’t amused with this.


I wanted actual content in World of wacraft as promised. not some half baked chinese mobile BR with WoW assets.

Again - the fact they had to tie cosmetics and traders tender to this as a slow pathetic grind rate just shows they have no faith in their own product. They had to use dubious techniques to increase the player retention on it.

Ill stick to my statement nobody would be playing this if they didnt die FOMO cosmetics and traders tender to it, there is nothing that was ADDED to DF


It wasn’t marketed as a DF patch.

It was just a jolly roger wedged in between two minor patches.


It is a wow patch. It uses wow combat, on a wow map, with wow graphics, and has rewards for wow. Why be so dramatic.



From what I recall people were raiding, running BGs, and doing dungeons well before the mog system was a glimmer in Blizzard’s eye.


those game modes are at least IN world of warcraft, you get to participate IN THOSE with your actual world of warcraft character. You don’t need a seperaate “trial of style game” client where you only unlock trial of style clothes for that game type but have a chance to unlock cosmetics in the main game!

like what do you not understand, this BR crap isnt even in the game, we dont use our characters, it isn’t WoW except in assets only.


They told us weeks ago that it was an event that both retail and classic players could participate in. It was very obviously not some standard new content.


You know you literally don’t have to play it right? Its not that serious. Have you consiered touching all american grass in the last few months? Shooting a few pew pews in the air? Screaming ‘murica’ in your front lawn?


Those two crazy interns who thought camera patch was a good idea are now in charge of something and here we are…

Also sarcasm


Did that this morning. My main source of happiness and ecstasy.


There was some changes to various classes and they added end expansion meta-acheivements with lots of mount rewards.

But plunderstorm sucked all the air of the room so a lot of people aren’t aware of those things.


Hell ya brother

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just saddens me they wasted time and resources on this instead of actual content for DF as they marketed and hyped for it. Why was this on the DF roadmap if it haad nothing to do with DF or retail in general? it was a cheap trick

I would have rather had
a new dungeon
a new m+ affix
a new bg
player housing
jumping puzzles
fun gametypes (prop hunt in wow?)
guild housing
literally anything… IN THE GAME I pay a WoW sub for.

It was disingenuous to market this as a Retail/DF thing. It should NOT have been on the DF/retail roadmap. It was misleading


To be fair, I learned about Plunderstorm on my character login in screen.

I learned about talent changes after I actually logged in and the UI was yelling at me lol

Not gonna happen, if it was it would’ve a long time ago

Well then i have good news for you, if you play the game mode you unlock juicy cosmetics and a mount for your retail account!

Can’t disagree with that, those would be fun (Looks at Squeenix and Kugane Extreme)

Pretty sure they just announced a few days ago that those are coming and other changes in the next patch?

One could reasonably conclude from this information that it would be an in-game event that happens to be available and balanced to exist within each game.
