Why the gender inequality?

The thing is these paintings are depictions of women. Not women choosing to show off their bodies. I’m a sex-positive feminist ally, and I believe all trans and cis women have the right to dress however well they please.

The difference here is these paintings are a man’s sexualized depiction of women. There was no consent in this matter.

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I’ll allow your interpretation

Did you happen to see the girls wearing headlights on their bikini’s yesterday during the Nascar show?

No I don’t watch that derivative drivel

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I don’t either I just happened to be passing a TV when it was on and I couldn’t believe it.

If the pedigree of people that attend those events are any indication of the culture of said events. I’m not surprised.

Just thought I’d mention it. Seemed relevant to the whole “movement”.

Could also be a mentality thing around their office.

Thinking if they do good now they might somehow spare themselves the burn.

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Who knows that is going on at their offices! We probably don’t want to know.

I’d imagine a degree of political madness beyond our wild imaginings…

Though seriously from what impressions I get of high level office work, is that a good portion of the people working at that level have no idea what they’re doing.


It’s not just Blizzard. Recently The Lancet had it’s front page as “Bodies with V_____”(apparently this is a banned word…the scientific name for women’s anatomy)

This is a medical journal.

Take a moment and let that sink in.

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Oh absolutely. Women ought to be free from the oppressive oppressiveness of clothes. We should liberate women from clothes and let women speak for themselves… but only those who like nudity. Not those other women who just want to turn us all into burqa-lovers!

What is nuance even? It’s either all or nothing. No in between.


To be fair.

It is usually women telling other women what to and what not to wear, and whether or whether not they are being objectified, offended, insulted, etc.

It is usually women who make decisions for other women, such as how to be ladylike, how to be beautiful, how to be attractive.

Afterall, women wear make-up not for men, but for themselves - because some beauty magasin written by some women told them so, or because their circle of girl friends do so, etc.

Women tell women what is good for women, women try to tell men what is good for men which is quite bothersome.




As with so many people, they think the problem is that males see nude bodies/images and get turned on and start acting up and they think the cause is the nudity.

They are making a classic logic mistake in what the cause is.

It’s not the nudity, it’s that the males can’t control themselves.

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“We are trying to protect women from being objectified” That is silly. Have you been to tiktok lately? (as an example) Women do NOT need anyones help from being objectified. They revel in it


Do you think objectification is a good thing?

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They don’t need your help.

These people who think they are some kind of savior are the worst.


Not my help, our help.

It was males working at Blizzard, no males in the game were doing anything with that painting.


So you think women are helpless?