Why the change on how percentages work in talents? - Ele shaman talents

Testing things out on the PTR and got excited when I saw the Echo Chamber talent stated that it “Increases the damage dealt by Elemental Overload by 40%”

I initially though that was giving an additional 40% damage increase to overloads, bringing our base 25% damage to 65% damage.
I thought this as our current wording for Echo Chamber is “Increases the damage dealt by your Elemental Overload by 10%”, which brings our 25% damage overloads to 35%.

Instead the talent still brings our Overload damage to 35%. This is a 40% increase to 25% but it makes no sense to change how it works considering talents like these have typically been additional increases.

The same type of wording is used for the new “Charged Conduit” talent which increased Lightning rod damage by 25%, which is only an additional 5%.

This is probably more of a nitpicky thing but I feel it is better to keep these talents as a straightforward additional increase instead of having the inflated numbers given now.