Why the Bilgewater cartel is great

Here are some reasons:

  • The only Horde race were no lead character has died so far(Gallywix exile be ignored).
  • They have their own standing army.
  • After the loss of Kezan they built a new capital from nothing in mere days.
  • The Gob Squad. Self explainatory. Special covert ops are always a fun trope.
  • Greediest MF gets the Tradeprince title when Thrall nepotism isn’t involved. I love myself some dystopian capitalism.

You can add more stuff of course it’s Impossible not to say nice things on Goblins when any other fantasy usually makes them villains.

They’re naturally hilarious. It isn’t forced. They’re funny even when they’re trying to be serious. I remember the first time I was riding the boat shooting at all the blood trolls with them in nazmir. Listening to them during they had me laughing so hard my eyes were watering.

“Waiiiiiit a minute no one told me we’d be dealing with undead here!”

“We deal with undead every day you idiot!!”

Or in Mechagon when Gazlowe is all “Yeah yeah that’s why we’re here too! We’re on your side!” “….whosever side that is snicker

Goblin quests are the best. They had a chain about Goblins claiming a Kaja’mite deposit in Zuldazar but they never really bothered to finish it.

They should at least have Kaja’cola available outside of the starting zone.


Honestly, I agree. Goblins are inherently fun.

On paper, they’re a lot of things that annoy me: feckless, reckless, destructive of themselves, others, and everything around them… But they’re soooooooooo fantastic about it.

Most of my favorite cities to hang out and RP in are goblin cities. They’re just fun.

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I long to see Kezan again one day especially Undermine.

Oh they finished it. With a giant gnome enhanced monkey in the raid. Super pissed because the goblins were putting him and his people in cages while claiming the Kajamite so he let the gnomes turn him into a giant monster