Why the AOE cap is a bad thing

It isn’t though, if you want to time a 21/22 you need to be chain pulling/pulling multiple groups together, or you leave zero time for any mistake, ever minor, which just isn’t an intelligent way to plan. I don’t disagree with that, but the current playstyle doesn’t just go back to 12s…it carries all the way up, and MDI is 19/20s where they’re quite literally pulling entire sections, they aren’t CCing everything appropriately because there literally aren’t enough abilities across 5 characters to do so, but they uncapped damage allows for this to still be doable.

I personally maintain a middle ground is best, I understand your point though.

I am actively pushing keys at the 21-22 level. Groups pull 10+ mobs in Tol dagor, with lust. Freehold is 9 with lust, junkyard maybe 7-8 with lust, Waycrest you do dogs or smallies in 10 or more. All of these happen maybe once per dungeon. Please explain to me which dungeons you’re consistently pulling 10+ mobs all dungeon long above a 20?

I play with a 4400 io tank lol, it is true.

We should never balance the game around what the MDI does. And yes I know that you have to chainpull, but you’re chainpulling once mobs are already dead so the pack sizes stay consistently between 5-7 usually. This is good to me, especially since they usually have 1-2 really dangerous mobs in them that you have to focus on and cc. I’m saying that putting a target cap at 5-8 won’t really affect the way we push, but it will affect going back and doing lower level keys for fun


this literally means nothing as I have been healing 20’s since last season. I have been a little behind on my druid as it was new toon this patch, but tanks aren’t getting blown up in 20s unless you’re trash.

Why are you arguing with me here? If this wasn’t an issue, why are they are pushing an AOE cap?


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I understand you’re saying it’s good to you, I’m saying other people see it the other way. It’s definitely a matter of opinion at that point. I personally enjoy the game more when I have to plan harder, and every class is viable and brings a different, useful thing to the team for balance.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, neither am I, this is an opinion difference.

Well he’s in the top 10 demon hunter tanks in the world I believe, so I wouldn’t call him trash… If you pull 10 or more mobs in a 20 without lust, then yeah you’re probably going to die :joy:

I have no idea why they’re pushing an aoe cap, it’s most likely because new/bad players watch the MDI and think that’s how you’re supposed to do it, then go into a dungeon and wipe 10 times.

Fair enough!

There are lots of pulls that have non-elite mobs which easily push you past 10 mobs. These aren’t difficult. TD, Siege, TEMPLE obviously has some huge pulls. You say you’re doing high keys, yet I can toss you out lots of examples where we easily push past 10 mob count and it’s not increasing the difficulty.

Actually… let me be even more specific. There are 3 pulls specifically that will put you past 10+ mobs in Temple alone.

Trash around 2nd boss. I have had a number of groups pull almost everything here and simply kite with typhoon and vortex while they were being killed. The obvious one is the mobs before you have to do the two eyes. Their plan will probably be to just remove that stuff, but the pulls in that room are massive. And last boss… After you get the buff from the boss, you can easily pull the extra 3-5 mobs in addition to mobs you already have. This can put you above in the 9-10 range.

that’s the point here. If it’s because of concerns stemming from MDI style play, then this could easily be corrected by diversifying the dungeons. This already should be happening anyways. As is, the design now to heavily favors a few specs.

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Ah I was talking about elite mobs. Non elite mobs are trivial and don’t matter really. I 100% guarantee you haven’t pulled the entire 2nd boss room on temple above like an 18 or 19. We will chain pull it, but definitely not all at once, usually maxing out at 6-7 mobs at once. The difficulty in this room has nothing to do with kiting it.

Eyes room is just a meme. Last boss you only pull that much because of 90% dmg reduction and boss lust.

I agree with this, except that dungeons that don’t give you options to change the way you pull stuff are really boring.

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Relative to the timer though, they aren’t trivial. It’s like explosives. For the most part, they are fairly easy to deal with as a mechanic. That said though, they eat away at the timer by adding just that many more actions needed per pull.

The addition of non-elite mobs favors cleave heavily. I would be totally fine if they removed all the non-elites as they aren’t even consistent in how they are affected by the affixes. Point being though, it’s added fluff that still has to be dealt with. For specs with heavy cleave, they are easily ignored. If you had a group full of dot specs, for whatever hypothetical reason, they would be a bit more annoying to deal with. Maybe not by much… maybe just seconds here and there, but it adds up.

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Agree with you here.

Yet you can throw this argument out the window when you just say “M+”

Just like Awakened is kinda stupid this season for being spend a handful of seconds casting into a portal to skip a handful of trash mobs.

How is awakened stupid? It’s arguably the most popular affix ever, only one that comes close is beguiling.

The ones that didn’t let you skip, or make it so you had to pull small were almost universally hated.

Depending on route you skip 1 or 2 of the shrine mini bosses as well. The only reason you don’t skip Zul is because you literally can’t.

I would like to see you pull that off in my 22 shrine or any 22 for that matter. The only time people go massive is in things they are over geared for. The occasional big pull being possible like the beach in td is a god thing Imo. It’s not like I can do 20 mobs per pull after that without the tank getting clapped.

Either because they want the mdi to slow down or because people are doing mdi sized pulls in content that is way below their gear level.

The first one gets fixed by adding more significant mobs in. I doubt many groups pull huge in King rest for example.
The second one is fixed by people doing challenging content. No one goes that big in push keys and lives. Maybe the occasional pull which is fun but not regularly.

Hard capping classes just takes the option away.

Wait. I thought Blizzard was making it so casters could cleave better than melee, since melee was doing the best in both single target and cleave. Plus, putting a cap on melee AoE makes certain classes (Feral, cough) stronger for Single Target fights.

Timed a 21 junkyard yesterday with a bunch of deaths and I don’t think we were ever above 10 mobs in combat with us. Including the little troggs with no aggro table. If we had many of them we would have died even more.
In what dungeons can you consistently pull more than 10 mobs without dying when at a reasonable level?
Maybe wcm with the maggots?
I’m struggling to think of others where it’s more than 1 or 2 pulls in the dungeon though.

Some classes/spells are staying uncapped which is even dumber Imo. It will just change the mdi meta to those classes and still pull everything which changes nothing really.
It’s just nice to have the option to go big on the rare occasions where it’s possible in significant content and they are taking the option away from some people. Not everyone wants to be a fury warrior.

So then why complain about the cap if it changes nothing? That doesn’t make any sense.

Better watch out with uncapped blizzard and rain of fire!

I meant it will change nothing about how the mdi pulls go. They will still pull huge. It will just change which are the 4 classes we see not actually broaden the classes used.

Then it will be less fun for the occasional pulls we do get to go big on which is fun. There is a reason reaping was liked more than infested. People like aoe.