Why the alliance should be exterminated

Humans - Smelly, violent, arrogant

Night elves - Even smellier, racist, loves trees more than people

Dwarves - Ugly, dirty.

Worgen - Dog breath

Gnomes - Will eventually cause the downfall of society through technology the world isn’t ready for.

Draenei - Blue, uses religion to subjugate masses, act like they are so great but the eredar comprise the worst of the worst demons.

Pandaren - Fat, drunk

Void Elf - literally evil incarnate

Lightforged Draenei - Same as regular Draenei but actually way, WAY worse.

Dark Iron Dwarves - fire hazard, ugly

Kul Tiran - Fat, drunk

Mechagnome - oh god it’s happening i told you the world wasn’t ready


Imagine playing a rat


You’re canidae too, brother.


I’m…confused. Is this a joke thread, a troll thread, or someone posting as a vulpera to try to incite more vulpera hate threads?


This is a HORDE thread.

Oh…it’s worse, it’s a Sylvanas loyalist in a vulpera costume thread.

Right whatever, I’ll be over here if someone decides to talk about something important.


Go back to Stormwind then, coward.

grins hefting large blades You’re more than welcome to try to make me.

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So you admit that you live in Stormwind? Traitor

Can i just join the scourge and wipe out the horde and alliance both at once and make a perfect realm of the dead

High Elf* clearly. I might reroll Horde to combat this vile plague.

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hello pot, I’d like you to meet my good friend kettle.

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Vulpera calling humans smelly. :joy:

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And there it is. Typical human behavior.

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Clearly you never went to Vol’jin tent during MoP.

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Okay, first off, what.

Secondly I happen to like the worgen. Not to mention there’s bigger issues to deal with right now than your pointless murder stroking.


I realize this is a parody response to a lot of the ‘vulpera should be exterimated’ threads.
But the only thing that can even be said in response to this is “Shut up, furry.”


this is all exactly a reflection of the horde

Please stop admitting you’re a traitor. You are making the Vulpera look bad.

I don’t need to make the vulpera look bad. You’re doing a fine job of that all on your own.