Why tanks...why

I get it, we still have a timer but it is more than generous. Let the god damn healer get the party to full or close to it before pulling a boss that AOE’s right off the bat.

I don’t see how so many can’t differentiate between wiping the group and pulling fast and efficiently. Your job isn’t to see if we can break the dungeon speed record. +2 the key by 1 second or 2 minutes …it doesn’t matter.


People seem to forget they’re part of a group and how the roles used to always be laid out to others: tanks set the route, healers set the pace, DPS do their utility and damage jobs.


Healer problem. Plan better.

Tank gonna go brrrrrr


im not talking pace—I love a fast tank but these tanks are getting dumber and dumber. A wipe is the opposite of a fast clear


If your movement is bad enough that the tank can get that far ahead of you, that’s on you buddy. While tanks are the only ones that need proactive movement in low-difficulty content, proactive movement is required for skilled play in all positions as you climb.

Why don’t you play tank for a while, so that you can get inside their heads and understand their mentality?

Well, if the tank isn’t paying attention to the group and healer to see what needs done, that means they aren’t paying attention to the pace that needs to be set for that healer to upkeep properly for that group. That’s what I mean.


you are talking nonsense… when the tank sprints ahead while I’m rezzing and dies …then he’s a moron. Its not a movement issue


… what? Where did the OP say anything about the tank speeding too far ahead?

Did you read the OP? We’re talking about the tank not paying attention.

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Dude its 2024 you think all of us don’t tank? who the hell one tricks. Stop making excuses for crap tanks unless you’re one of them


It seems to be a case of no one in pugs caring about anyone else and not working together as a team. No one pays attention to the team, no one cares, they just seem to want in and out without looking to see what’s going on and ignoring the situation around them.

Now, I had some nice experiences with low keys at the end of last season, but it always seems to be different at end of season than beginning of season.


I mean I tanked my way to 2600 last season and only stopped cause I hit the rewards cap. I’m telling you, from the tank position, that in WoW’s current ecosystem, the healing position is a reactive one that needs to hook into the strategy that the tank is laying down.

There are times where running ahead is a mistake, but if the dungeon has a reasonable runback, unless the DPS is an ace pumper, it isn’t worth it to stop and res.

double reply is cringe btw

whats cringe is some dude defending bad tanking. I gave you the scenario and you still disagree so you are a crap tank and by the way 2600 on the easiest mythic season isn’t an accomplishment. I didn’t even play last season and all my friends that could barely do 15’s season one hit 3k last season


Tanks need to be mindful of the group environment, not ignore it. They’re supposed to set the route, not the pace. Therein lies the issue. People forget that the pace should be set by the healer. It’s what helps keeps the group moving smoothly and efficiently.

But this is also why healers tend to be scarce: no one wants to put up with the crap that people toss at them. Do major DPS, cleanse everything, take care of every affix, every stupid move, every tank who wants to ignore the rest of the group, etc. Ain’t no one got time for those expectations while also being ignored for how the pace of the dungeon is moving.

In this day and age, people tend to forget: set the group up for success. Work together. Help each other. Situational awareness needs to be a thing.


While im not defending the tank, as ive ran into many a bad ones this season already, part of the blame falls to the group for not planning ahead and only dealing with the immediates right in front of them.

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Sendryn correct again.

But I stick with it 'cause I’ve got a bit of a masochistic streak.


LOL I’m right there with ya. :rofl:


Thats a bit extreme hyperbole. In pugs the famous complaint is that leavers happen so id argue theres more an argument that pugs want the key to succeed or they’d otherwise just leave so they will try to make the run a success. Their patience is non existent and they want 100% success rate.

Based on my own xp rn where I mostly pug cause my schedule currently is the groups ive ran with did stops and interrupts without issue.

Also I’d say i, as tank, do set the pace because i dictate pull size and chain pulling.

I dont stop unless a healer says something as i otherwise assume they have it handled and am focused on death ball, and defensive rotation and route. Granted ive only done up to a 4 this patch. But i have to grind gear as i was only 460 patch start. I also just do mid tier keys these days because schedule.

I dont see in OP’s post them mentioning they said anything to the tank, so also say they may want to look at what theyre doin too if its all team work.

If they were this druid and they had multiple brezs just drop a brez for faster rez and get up to the tank.

Once again, no, because if the healer has no mana, or isn’t ready, or any number of other things, then your pull is just you dying and then the adds killing the rest of the group. Unless you’re a VDH. Then just do whatever you want, I guess.


For the OP’s situation? I don’t believe it was. I also said I’ve had the opposite experience.

And you should be pulling based off of what the healer can keep up with concerning damage output for the group and type of affixes. If a tank isn’t working with the healer and paying attention to what pace they can handle, then that’s the tank’s fault.


Hrmmm I think it just varies.
If I’m new to healing on a class then I might say it. If they continue to disrespect that then they can get another healer.

I’d say on MW I have had no issues keeping up with the tank, nor mana problems unless the party is really bad.