Or they could just let SV use any weapons they can equip, and tweak the toolkit to allow for that.
- Remove the 50% damage penalty for SV Auto Shot.
- Give SV baseline Multi-Shot, Counter Shot, and Concussive Shot.
a. Multi-Shot should be 1:1 with Carve, meaning either Carve gets its CD removed, or Multi-Shot gets a CD for SV only.
b. Counter Shot and Muzzle would trigger each other’s cooldowns, to prevent SV from being the uncontested best interrupt spec in the game.
c. Concussive Shot needs no interactions with Wing Clip, as Wing Clip has a resource cost while Concussive Shot has a cooldown. - Allow Multi-Shot and Arcane Shot to proc talents and legendary effects (Viper’s Venom, Tip of the Spear, Birds of Prey, Butcher’s Bone Fragments, Latent Poison Injectors, Rylakstalker’s Confounding Strikes,) that are currently procced by Raptor Strike and Carve.
Boom, fully functioning RSV inside current MSV.
To go one step further, make Terms of Engagement baseline and replace with Lacerate. Give Lacerate a chance on dealing damage to reset the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb and cause your next two Wildfire Bombs to cost no Focus and trigger no cooldown. Optionally, remove or baseline another underperforming talent and replace it with Serpent Spread, causing Raptor Strike, Carve, Arcane Shot, and Multi-Shot to apply Serpent Sting to all targets hit.
In addition to this, remove the 2h requirement from all weapon strikes, letting them work with Dual Wield as well. Also allow Kill Shot to work with melee or ranged weapons.
Then, change Focus regen. Remove Kill Command from the spec entirely, replaced with baseline Flanking Strike (which works as a gap closer if you have a melee weapon equipped, and a regular weapon attack if you have a ranged weapon equipped). Give it KC’s reset mechanic. Make the Kill Command talent grant the ability AND the talent as one option, and replace Flanking Strike with a talent that causes all DoT ticks to regen 2 Focus per tick.