Why surv is the least played?

[ Why surv is the least played? ]

  1. Low Damage
  2. Pet will run away and de-spawn in PVP and PVM
  3. Survival hunter takes a ton of melee damage example Templar’s Verdict hit to me for 75k and I have my versatility at 25%.

I get the same type of damage with 10% versatility. Versatility does seem to influence damage taken but all the armor I have and rings have no haste that have versatility.

Tweak versatility on damage, pole arms are slow and Survival needs more armor class. I get Templar’s Verdict for 50k all the time from a plate wearing healing melee class.

His health leech is very very low with 12 percent leech from pet and item I get leech for 1 point to 150 points all the time.
I can buff this by raising my versatility through the roof just delays death in a melee encounter.

Consider making pet attack stack mongoose when you back away from mob loose the goose stack to fury.

Increase damage of fury, increase focus regeneration…

The Survival Hunter is a class by themselves, they are just not able to take a hit, and the single target damage is low not because it is a challenge to deliver it but because its not there.

Hes a bit more than borderline under in damage and ability to take a hit, you have to use some caution in damage increase spread it across his deliveries weapon, pet, dots, small tweak on all.

Pole-am terribly slow you need mad haste to crank it up…

Pet dies way too easy and he runs away and de-spawns I mean what is that anyways LOL… O look my pet chases someone off and de-spawn ?

I like my Survival hunter play him all time even though he is slow weak and cannot give or take a hit has little to no utility or purpose in a Raid stays rooted and stunned in pvp…

I like the various attack sequences and venomous fang, latent poison, bombs, harpoon, trackers net.

Trackers net needs to be ten 10 secs possible to break under damage not resistible.

A couple tweaks and they be right up there with the rest of them.


Ahhh but is that what is actually happening? I would argue that the only reason we see hunters playing SV in pvp is because MM and BM are so horrifically bad in PvP at the moment. MM is near unplayable at high levels and BM suffers from well documented issues in PvP. So is SV good or is it just the only option for hunters?


It has the potential, you have a variety of damage deliveries that have to be combined to get max damage.

But you can not take a hit… your healing ability and leech are very low to me …

To me they lack pure damage and resistance of damage along with heals,

Not a ton but your short…

You can play really smart and tag all the bases and not make home,
cause its not in the build generally speaking.

That’s what the pet is for. I was never a melee hunter, but I find the spec a nice change of pace when I do want to melee. And it has enough stuff going on that it’s fun for me.

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So what is the answer of the main post question? Cause i AM not getting it since the spec does not performs bad.

Is it just the elitism attitude of most hunters saying “I don’t want to play melee”?

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Elitism? What does that have to do with people not wanting to play a melee spec as hunters?


I’m mainly just into word pvp as stupid as that may sound, but in my personal opinion survival can be more awkward to use in comparison to the other two classes.

Personally I’ve felt like I’ve had to rely on engineering and the worgens racial to really make use of the hit and run playstyle of survival, as without namely engineering it just feels like you can’t really play to your specs strengths.

So I guess you could say that my opinion here is that it’s ultimately just really awkward to play at times.

It does perform bad. Where is the confusion?


It is part that and also pvp favours melee with how many gap closers they have.
It has been a pain for range classes to just keep their distance.

This would be why MSV has some advantage as does not need to stay in melee range to damage.

MSV seems to be about hit n run, you throw all your dots out then run in hit a few times, and jump back letting your pet help keep distance while you heal up.

Its cool down managment with using AotE to stay back and heal then charging back in until it off CD.

MSV has a punishing learning curve compared to other melee specs.

Even when Blizzard has overtuned MSV it still fell behind, but not cause of “elitists” it was just simply they did not want to fill a melee spot with a spec that had nothing more to offer than dps.

Hunters have been asked to switch to range otherwise they not have a spot. When your guild is pushing for Mythic they take specs that can pull double duty, and MSV just does not have it.


What’s there not to get? It was explained in great detail to you in several well-written posts.

In short, most Hunters do not want to play a melee spec because this class has traditionally been ranged and there’s a big stigma against Survival because it replaced one of our ranged specs.

On top of that, even ignoring people’s personal gripes towards it, it is for most practical purposes “BM but melee”. It holds up better in arenas due to PvP talents, but everywhere else you are just worse off by being Survival over BM. Literally the only thing it has over BM is a shorter interrupt cooldown, and BM’s advantages such as a better damage profile for M+ and raiding, pet utility e.g. spirit beasts, and the simple fact that ranged is generally more versatile and therefore preferable in PvE, all thoroughly outweigh that one SV advantage.

Also, Hunters not wanting to play melee is not an “elitism attitude”. Most of us picked this class knowing full well we were getting 3 ranged specs and that’s where our preferences lay. If at any time I felt like playing melee instead, I would have rolled a melee class. I didn’t go advocating for other melee specs to go ranged. Yet my favourite spec was changed to melee, something I didn’t want to play. It’s shameful to paint us as unreasonable or elitist for not wanting to play the melee version.


That sounds elitist haha.

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You ll get a lot of hate replies here mate!

Surv isnt as bad / not played as many folks tend to believe! The % different is hardly there. All 3 spec are fun and can do their thing. Its easier for people to come say negative things, too few takes the time to say something positive.

If anything there is more love for surv on the pvp side with its dmg and control, on PvE his 2 other spec are more loved because they are ranged only. Raids are already over populated with melee, the lack of ranged is high in general.

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For quite few reasons except their numbers.


How is that elitist? That’s literally just playstyle preference.

The class had 3 ranged specs from the beginning, so people who picked the class were those who were aware that there was no melee available. That means the class was full of people who either didn’t like melee or liked all the things about the Hunter class better than being melee; meanwhile, people who desperately wanted to be melee were playing other classes. It had over 10 years to set this playerbase in stone then they suddenly made one of the specs melee. Obviously there is not going to be much of an audience at all in the class for a melee spec if all they’ve been playing is ranged.

On top of that, you have the fact that Hunter is the only class that can use ranged weapons. There are many, many specs out there that can use melee weapons (13, in total), whereas the 2 Hunter specs are the only ones that can use a ranged weapons. They are inherently more unique in this game. So people coming to the class, even very casual people, are more likely to pick one of those ranged specs. This isn’t just “survival does less damage” or anything. Fact is it is, for most Hunters, a less appealing and less interesting spec.

Nothing elitist about that.

I know you’re desperate to speak positively about Survival, but it doesn’t help anyone to go around saying everything is fine and perfect for Survival. It is vastly less desirable in PvE. Survival Hunters themselves are open about finding trouble getting or staying in M+ raid groups compared to the other Hunter specs. Is it good in arenas? Sure. No one denies that. Is it fine to do worldquests as SV? Sure. You could do that as petless BM if you wanted to. But the topic of the thread is why SV is underplayed throughout the game so people are explaining why.

It has also been explained to you before how Survival is, in fact, a very unpopular spec so it would be nice if you stop blatantly lying about this point.


It not hate that turns players away from MSV it that it lacks in survivability. It may fun to play when questing, but if I want to solo an elite I will switch to BM as I know it is possible to win over playing MSV, have more difficult time.

Even MSV players have syated they switch to range cause it would hold their raid group back to taking up a melee spot.

The issue is that other melee classes just do it better. They are better at healing, and damage absorption. MSV has one heal on a long CD and a shield that stop all of our actions.

MSV has great dps; however, if you can not survive through a fight then it just a race to see who dies first.


MSV is not learned by the people yet. Of course if you go 1v1 and hard tank in melee the whole time… you lose. The spec is called survival, not MSV not RSV, you do both melee and ranged. You need to know when to and when not to engage in melee. a Surv hunter can take out many players in a 1v1 senario… dalaran has shown a couple doing so and theres more.

their heal also come back off cd in pve quite fast with the talent

Lack survivability ? 2 heals, turtle and the important ones : Traps. Gotta use them all … and your pet, which you can do world elite with him.

Thats their choice, in some cases its that but from all the threads and recruiments going out… ranged is the high demand, not melee.

Thats something the helps the healers of course, but it aint mandatory. Will come more into play for Mythic raiders and those pushing for world first. But dont forget while they have good dps, they can keep dpsing during certain mechanics by being able to flip the range mode.

edit: forgot to add, theres the passive healing from mastery too.

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Yeah…sure. Do you know what being elitist means?

Pretty much this.

In the early days, we did have melee weapons as hunters, but we weren’t ever, by design, intended to favor those over ranged combat.

They later removed the minimum attack range on ranged weapons, resulting in there being no use for melee weapons other than to serve as “stat sticks” for us.
So they removed them altogether.

That, if anything, told us even more that the class was intended for players that liked ranged combat. Again, resulting in players that picked it for said ranged combat.

To then suddenly take away ranged options/playstyles from all those players in favor of implementing something entirely different(a melee spec), there’s really only one outcome.

Would some players like that new spec as well? Ofc. But most who picked a hunter before then, knew of the intended focus on ranged combat, and wanted it that way.

Again, if they want to add in a melee option in order to attract new players or re-rolls that’s fine. But don’t screw over existing players, who are already invested in the class, in the process. In such a case, add it in as a 4th spec from the start.


Stop making excuses and lying about what the reality is.
Most people aren’t staying away from it just because they “don’t know how it’s supposed to be played”.


Low dps, low survivability, the only class that uses a ranged weapon and they force a melee spec.

It’s a disaster and like with every colossal screw up of blizzard they pretend it was a good idea.


Point blank it has a higher skill cap then bm or mm ever had or will that being said i normally main sv and tome its not that hard but to be optimal it is

I am tied of the remove melee threads though. Sv is a hybrid ranged melee the advantage we have is while other melee cant hit the boss during certain mechanics we can. we can do everything that mm and bm can do utility wise their are people who like sv as it is and should they be penalized for ranged sv going away no.
like it or not all 3 hunter specs are viable and do really good damage you know what your doing i have no problem topping meter s in what ever i do as any spec.


You can say that, but its simply the excuse laid out by those that under perform while having others carry you.

Survival cannot put out close to the same damage as BM in reality.