Why so stingy?

I was looking forward to Remix based on what I was hearing from the way it was described and tested on the PTR - a wacky, silly, overpowered romp that was siloed off from the main game that you could toss yourself into, powerlevel alts that you could keep in the end, and earn a bunch of Pandaria-themed toys, mounts and cosmetics.

How about yeah! See you tomorrow night, table for two, 7:15. That sounded like it’d be fun in a late-Torghast kind of way where I was running through with bonkers powers by the end, chaincasting Chaos Bolts, raining down an Infernal every few seconds on my Warlock, running with a room-filling pet that hit like a raid boss on my hunter. Just nonsense, pure silly fun.

But like with early Torghast, before it got out the door the Fun Police came blazing through and locked down the mode to a slog.

What difference does it make if our temporary characters here are overpowered and leveled quickly? What difference does it make if we’re easily able to earn the Bronze for the stuff we want by whatever means we want? For cosmetics? For toys? That are mostly just imported over from the live game anyway? This mode is a silo.

The only thing we get out of it in the end is we get to keep the max-level characters that we leveled ourselves in sub-par boost gear and cosmetic stuff. Why is this not just a no-rails joyride? Why would we dump all of the currency that we get into upgrading gear that we don’t get to keep instead of mounts and toys? Just so we can go and throw ourselves at overtuned Mythic raids?

Why are the screws so tight on this? From what I heard, the PTR found a decent balance between fun, rewarding and challenging. Can Ebeneezer Scrooge or whoever’s in charge of jealously guarding the Fun Tap be encouraged to go pinch orphans and yell at puppies instead?

By the time this gets rebalanced to the point of being fun, everyone will have tapped out of it - not unlike with late Plunderstorm. Tons of people suffered through the early, miserly plunder gains, burned out, hated it, vowed to never touch the mode or anything like it again. I know that the primary modern Blizzard design philosophy is “Release it broken and un-fun, fix it later, tempt people back by saying it’s actually good now” as seen by…roughly everything…but this is a limited time mode. Why not just let people have unhinged fun for once like you’d implied that they could do?


I agree with everything said here and I really enjoy the personality you give to your writing.


I said the same thing many times in less colorful words, but yes 1000x. Just put it back like it was on PTR, everyone will be happy, and people will actually play. As of now, I’d rather wait until they fix scaling to go for the few items I do want, and otherwise I will farm gold on retail or play other games. 100% completely sucked all of the motivation and fun I was having out of it as soon as I learned there were a bunch of changes that they did not even hint at before release.


Great post.

I agree 100%.

Thank you for the laughs, as well. I chuckled a few times.


Bronze acquisition is outpaced by the cost of everything, even if you’re “no lifing” Remix. The cost of upgrading gear is especially egregious after 346 ilvl.

I don’t feel “OP”, I’m forced to be stingy with my Bronze, and it’s looking more like once I get the few items I’m most interested in, I’ll just go back to retail farming where I can one-shot everything anyway.

I was hoping for more of a crazy free-for-all where power gains just keep ramping and the Bronze rains down, but instead it’s more of the typical purposeful, hit-the-wall stuff Blizzard does in retail WoW.


Because the Greed Department got involved. They gave us the developers vision with the PTR, a bombastic, insanely OP alt leveling bonanza and then the bean counters stepped in and said that would interfere with the perceived value of paid boosts and lower profit margins on their services.


some analyst people probably told the suits that making things harder would cause people to subscribe for the whole 3 months.

now people will just leave in a month instead


I had fun on the test realm. Now it’s just… MoP again. No thanks. Most of the gear sets are ugly anyway and I have all the mounts from MoP. A recolour doesn’t really do much.

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This is the exact post with how I feel. I came in expecting a rumpus room full of mystery as to what I was going to get next with all the socketable skills and passives. I thoroughly enjoyed collecting all the skills and blasting dungeons until the scaling kicked in and started getting two shot by bosses and the monks in Scarlet Monastery.

Why can’t we just have this whole mode be a fun grind with a bunch of cosmetics and there being no restrictions as to how OP a character can be? Why does it cost so much bronze to upgrade items for the endgame grind? 346 to 360 costs 20k bronze and then the next level even more so. I just want to have fun. I don’t want to do 10 dungeons to level up one piece of gear.

Rant over.


Doesn’t it make total sense that you have to spend the same to upgrade your gear as you would on a mount that carries over to the real game when the temporary gear doesn’t?