Regardless of the change, you’re still crying over nothing…
Regardless of the change, you’re still crying over nothing.
I’m not “crying” – I made the post in an attempt to express my dissatisfaction with a current mechanic of the game, which has become rather irrelevant in the current state of the patch.
Like how is it even normal to accuse people of “crying” - when they’re simply providing feedback through the means that is provided to them by the creator of the product they are using?
How is your post not just straight trolling? You’re literally the toxicity that blizz is pledging to delete from the game.
Zm is end game and offers renown each quest
If you stop being unnecessarily obtuse you could do that or whine about it.
They are making it easier but it literally takes, maybe 3 hours of doing activities to go from 0-80 right now. Like…Just play the game lmao?
Winning a Rated Battleground
It should b changed to winning a bg.
why should we have to do rated for renown catch up?
Zm is end game and offers renown each quest
If you stop being unnecessarily obtuse you could do that or whine about it.
Obtuse meaning: slow to understand?
I am not slow to understand anything.
I’ve already stated that I’m aware certain questlines offer renown.
My point, which if you followed along, is that end-game activities are also supposed to offer renown - such as Torghast, Mythic+, and Raiding. I’ve performed these activities quite a bit – and have had abysmal luck with renown dropping from those activities. As a suggestion, I made the thread in the hopes that renown drop more often from those activities. As a helpful poster pointed out - this coming Tuesday, with patch 9.2.5, Blizzard is increasing the renown drop chance for those activities to 100%.
Calling people names - is not ok…especially when you literally put zero effort into following the thread itself…and choose to have a limited understanding of that person’s knowledge level or understanding of the topic at hand.
It’s given for free just doing anything in game you are already doing.
If you want to max it out in a timely manner, you are probably going to need to do obsolete content that you aren’t really interested in, like the campaign for the umpteenth time, Korthia weekly, Maw assault, souls quest. The guaranteed renown activities are not the endgame pillars.
No sir, I disagreed with your premise action was necessary. At that point you became condescending and defensive, which is what many people on the forum are so want to do. Though to be fair I didn’t handle it maturely either.
I understood your point. I reject the premise followed with reasons why it was unnecessary. As to the final point, obtuse it was the first definition. That being said, I stated my peace and to deescalate I will no longer be replying. It’s not worth the animosity.
but i’m still severely lacking in anima even on my main.
Go into ZM, open up LFG, and search for Rare. Clear out the entire map and have fun drowning in anima. Repeat on alts if you want 100k.
Time played metrics exist!!! How do you think they make sure to rake the moneys and golds in!?!
No sir, I disagreed with your premise action was necessary. At that point you became condescending and defensive, which is what many people on the forum are so want to do. Though to be fair I didn’t handle it maturely either.
I understood your point. I reject the premise followed with reasons why it was unnecessary. As to the final point, obtuse it was the first definition. That being said, I stated my peace and to deescalate I will no longer be replying. It’s not worth the animosity.
Just use commas man…and proof read your stuff (I think you’re missing words in places). I find your entire post nearly impossible to understand.
Do you mean piece – or peace?
You get like, 30 renown from completing the ZM campaign
Question: Haven’t played this char (my main) in a WHILE. I am renown 27 on her. Should I wait til 9.25 drops, do dungeons and the like to try to get up to 60 with the accelerated renown gain, and then do the ZM campaign to get to 80?
Also this is probs an embarassing question but how would u reccomend I get my first legendary efficiently?
Sorry to ask all of this LOL
Just wait until tomorrow to get the 60 boost. Buy it, and then do the ZM campaign. You get the belt covenant legendary then. Do toghast and hopefully you have enough gold to get the 291 legendary
Getting renown this patch is the easier thing ever
Just wait until tomorrow to get the 60 boost. Buy it, and then do the ZM campaign. You get the belt covenant legendary then. Do toghast and hopefully you have enough gold to get the 291 legendary
Don’t I have to already have reached renown 80 on one character to get the boost tho? Unless that’s changing tmrw
Ty for the advice btw!
Don’t I have to already have reached renown 80 on one character to get the boost tho?
That probably isn’t changing, but even if you ignore the skip buff they are buffing the rate that you acquire renown.