Why so stingy with renown

Nothing to do with the question.

Oh i know. I just figured id ask considering what that other person linked only showed group stuff.

I dont think blizzard is stingy with renown. It practically rains from the sky now and on tuesday itll be even faster.

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Stingy isnt the right word. Renown pours from the sky like diarrhea does from my Jack Russell from time to time, you just don’t want to get it you want a renown 80 item.

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Torghast can be done solo, and they just copy-pasted from the patch notes.

Layers 9 and above. That for some cant be solo. That’s all im saying.

That’s a skill issue.

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Will winning random bgs award guaranteed renown as well? And if not, why? If so, cool :sunglasses:

They’re not stingy… This is a you problem, not a Blizzard problem.

Any reason to throw in the ‘time played’ jab, even when it doesn’t apply.

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Blizz is literally changing it this coming Tuesday to align with exactly what I asked. Clearly Blizzard disagrees, the majority of the playerbase disagrees, and I disagree. You’re 100% trolling.

Some people are purposely missing the issue - it’s a person trying to level an inferior and alternate covenant on a toon that they actually do play (probably more than is actually healthy). There’s just a limit to how much a person is willing to play an inferior covenant to “farm” renown – and there are different activities that people have done a dozen or more times over, and they just don’t want to do again.

This is precisely why Blizzard is changing it this coming Tuesday. How good, contributing members of these forums catch bans, and you trolls don’t - is 100% beyond me.

100% false. I do not want an 80 renown item. I want end-game activities to have an increased drop chance for renown. Period. Blizzard agrees - and this is being changed this coming Tuesday in patch 9.2.5.

If you say so

I’ve stated nothing but fact.

Ok? I havent spoken to you. No clue who you are.

Then why tf did you make this post? What exactly is the point? If you just found out that they are making the changes why are you continuing with this post?

I think the “better” change is increasing the drop rate to 100% off of existing sources.

Having the catch up go to 40 and then slowing it down at 48 (or 58 or whatever it was) is just a mistake that should have never made it to 9.2.

because they hadn’t read the 9.2.5 patch notes yet.

Have you not been following the thread? Someone literally posted that in here, and I learned of it through making this post.

Same reason loot drops are so stingy

Come on, Blizzard. Don’t be stingy.