Why so much hate over high elf options

Male blood elves in particular have barely received anything.


Again, no one said this lol.

Yeah, because there’s an argument there. We’re just as justified in saying there’s been more pushback to this request than any other as well.

Thats still focus away from core races who received the bare minimum.

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People love to hate when people want things that they don’t want what’s new? It makes them especially salty when the people asking for stuff actually get stuff as well.

Yup. And that started all the way back in BC

Copy pasting things from one model to another is hardly focus, if that even applies, since I seriously doubt they work on each race on an individual basis, they’re most likely all worked on at once.

They gave Blood Elves more skin tones and blue eyes and ported it over to Void Elves, evidenced more by the literal Blood elf underwear on Void Elves.

I don’t know how one can consider that amount of effort “focus”.

That doesnt matter what the effort was or not. The issue is that it happened when Blizzard themselves at BlizzCon said “No AR customization in 9.0” and that it was a focus on revamp for core races.

And we see that a few of the core races got hella skimmed on new details (even you agree that male belves got next to nothing).

See my issue here? I’d have the same problem if they did it with another AR that wasnt Void Elves.


I just really hope they will continue to add to the core races, the ones that have been neglected especially, during the expac. Some races only getting a few things while others got a bunch is really disappointing.


I guess you’re allowed to be upset that they copy/ pasted 2 things to an AR from a core race when they said they wouldn’t.

I seriously doubt that that is the reason for “subpar” customization on the side of core races this wave around.

I know our trust in Blizzard shaky at best but those 2 additions that were originally new Blood Elf customizations can’t be to blame for what ended up happening. :man_shrugging:

After all they continued to add to core races after the void elf announcement, if they had more planned for Blood Elves, they had ample opportunity to do it and chose not to.

Im a bit peeved because:

  1. They went back on their word.
  2. Its obvious some races did not receive that much attention than others.
  3. They only did it to one of the allied races (tbf, the one that needed it the least imo).

I would not have any issue with this, if all the core races got the same attention
they didnt.


I’m sure none of the other options translates as easily as skin toggle and eye color from one carbon copy model to another, it frankly isn’t a lot of work, and it’s not even perfect, the models still have different underwear.

On a scale of the easiest things they could of done that would of drummed up the most amount of noise, the Void elf options were a no-brainer.

Its still something they devoted time to other than
HMT, LFD, Mechagnomes, Nightborne, or KT Humans.

All of which need more attention than bloody void elves.

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More attention that isn’t 2 hours in a coding lab moving skin tones and eye color from one exact copy to another and burned the forums for months on end.

“Oh cool, Nightborne aren’t fugly anymore”


I don’t think I need to point out why this makes sense on their end, like be mad about it, but you can’t say it wasn’t smart.

Well if it was that simple, then why wasnt similar things done to skeleton-similar races as a way to expand options?

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If there was ever a time for that gif :joy:

Because none of those similar races would of drummed up the amount of noise that “High elf options” would of compared to the amount of effort they actually had to put into it.

Like I know you don’t like hearing it, but giving Highmountain the Tauren flower options would not have exploded the forums to this level like High elf options actually did.

With next to no effort they created hype for Shadowlands and get to make you wait for an AR customization wave, this is a win win for them.

What? Why would they need to drum up interest for adding stuff and options to other ARs?

Why do they need to explode on the forums? It would just show that ARs would be getting attention, along with the thought of more to come.

Idk who needs to hear this but, the HE request isn’t more important than other requests or fandoms.

I’m happy for the various reasons for HE fans but there is a level or tone of self importance in all of your posts that serves to think too highly of the request, and it shows, both when you talk about how great you think the “demand” and “community”, and also when you get so upset over people who have interests that conflict with your immediate goal of more HE customizations asap.

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Seriously the amount of complaining from them over getting an option that wasn’t exactly what they wanted. I hadn’t seen that much anger since Blizzard said we wouldn’t get flying back in WoD pre millions quitting.