Why Silvermoon Is So Hard To Fix: Stratholme

I’ve done a bit of studying of the map and the areas east of Tirisfal Glades and north of Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands but south of Ghostlands.

Fixing one problem – no flying over Silvermoon – means fixing northern Lordaeron and all of Quel-Thalas (the non-named zone in northern EK) because you can’t fly over that massive stretch either. And it’s empty. That’s because you would see the Stratholme instance (it even has a contested zone flying over it) from behind and it looks awful.

Also, Stratholme (I hear) was a port city. If you’ve seen the elven tower on the northern coast of Eastern Plaguelands – yes, it’s about that far over), that is where Ghostlands should appear and theoretically you should be able to follow the coast around Tirisfal Glades through the port of Strath to Ghostlands and fly the whole way, and over Silvermoon TO the Isle of Quel-Danas, because it’s a quick flight (it was done in the Belf heritage quests – believe that they fly low) and having the Isle of Quel-Danas inaccessible when Silvermoon is would just be silly.

Add to this that eastern Eastern Plaguelands and north you cannot fly either, and the Ruins of the Scarlet Something are east of Tyr’s Hand – Flying ceases – as does swimming, even – at the north end of it.

So. Fixing Silvermoon properly means fixing Tirisfal Glades (happening, that zone is dead only briefly), but also all of eastern and northern Lordaeron (Plaguelands), removing the actual instance from Eastern Plaguelands for Strathholme and actually building RUINS down to the coast so it’s a port city (that elven tower on the north coast is where Strath’s port would/should be) and nestled between Lordaeron and Ghostlands.

Note that Stratholme would be an amazing addition if they were to “take it back,” and rebuild it, but they wouldn’t want competition from New Strath for Stormwind; they can only encourage population in so many places and for each expansion it is wherever that expansion is, not Azeroth. Not anymore. Not, in fact, since Cataclysm.

Note that the map of the area is a bit misleading. The Quel-Thalas zone can’t be clicked on, but it’s not the size of the space you can travel in there as a flying druid, at least, it stretches clear from east of Scarlet Monsatary all the way over to Eastern Plaguelands, where finally it becomes Stratholme.

If you try to fly over Strath, you can see the city is there but burning: well it looks awful from behind, and from behind you can also see a completely undetailed Naxxramus floating above Stratholme.

So to fix flying over one city, which we all want, they have to overhaul all of Quel-Thalas (old and new) as well as Tirisfal Glades and Western and Eastern Plaguelands.

Then consider that Ion H. said that we don’t want Blizzard spending money on redoing old zones rather than making new worlds, and that’s a point, but when Azeroth becomes largely a visual assault in today’s gaming world, and you devoted two years and an entire expansion to remaking DRAENOR when Azeroth looks so horrible – how long can you stand to hover in Ashenvale Front in southern Darkshore and look at how hideous Ashenvale looks against it? (It’s ALWAYS the trees, Ashenvale, Ungoro Crater, etc. …)

Anyway. If this is in the offing it’s been happening under the radar for a long, long time because this is recreating all of NE EK.


This sort of thing has been an interest of mine for a while, too, and one thing I ran into when I fell through the world in Strat once (forget which version, it’s been a while) and exploring is that the geometry for Stratholme in EPL and Deatholme in Ghostlands would actually intersect to a pretty considerable degree if the two maps were merged, which obviously wouldn’t work very well.

It’s plainly visible on the minimap. Here’s a couple snaps I took from a site that gives the google maps treatment to Azeroth. The first is uninstanced Eastern Kingdoms and the second is player-questable Ghostlands. The absence of Stratholme is easily verified-in game by swimming around the landmass from the beach in Ghostlands.



The uninstanced version is particularly interesting to me because it looks like they started trying to reconcile the conflict between the two versions of north EK but ultimately threw in the towel. Another point of evidence that Blizz toyed with (but ultimately scrapped) revamping Quel’Thelas in Cata can be seen in the removal of the giant troll gates of Tor’Watha in Eversong.


This has bothered me as well. Would love it if they spent some dev time fixing these areas.


Thank you so much for those maps! Wow – there are so many hints to taking back Silvermoon City on Alliance side, but maybe not this expansion. At least we’ll get a new Tirisfal Glades; it’ll be interesting to see how that’s handled.

I think that’s one thing that embitters me about WoD – if they had redone six horrid Azeroth zones instead, I’d have been grateful. Very, very grateful. Ungoro. Ashanvale. The ones with deciduous trees are particularly tragic. Felwood, Moonglade, which is USELESS.


Stratholme needs to stop being on fire first of all. It has been 17 years since Arthas brought his troops into the city, and yet the city still burns. Just what kind of material were the homes and shops made of?

If Blizzard is planning on this likely level squish for Patch 9 as their survey insists, then they should fix Stratholme, Northern Plaguelands, and Ghostlands at the same time. No more loading screen, and flight is available there. Also the invisible wall is removed.


blizzard would ruin silvermoon

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But time travel! We don’t walk in wow, we time walk!

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Also, if they moved Stratholme to the coast they would need to redo the entire opening portion of the Culling of Stratholme instance as well.

No. We didn’t see all of Strath in the instance and the coast is actually just beyond Strath. The bigger issue is that there is a massive dropoff to said coast.

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If you use a druid you can fly into the ahead of stratholme and you can see where they attempted to connect Quel’thalas to Azeroth, but gave up.


Culling of Strath (the caverns of time dungeon) begins outside of the city in the area that would eventually become EPL. The pictures posted by Chroesire demonstrate that Strath would definitely need to be moved a fair amount to prevent it from occupying the same space as Deatholme, which in turn would change the layout of EPL to some degree and that change would then need to be reflected in the CoS instance as well, though I suppose they could just ignore it since it’s only an instance and not part of the open world.

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Culling of Strath begins in a pre-plague version of the EPL subzone called the Plague Wood. This is the mirror of the instanced version.

The game might suck right now, but the art and music is amazing. I think they’d make it so much better if they actually did it.

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And now I have to log on to go see this for myself. I am happy to see there are more people interested in this kind of stuff for the game, especially that zone.

I do have a question though, don’t you all think that part of the problem too is the fact that updating this entire part of EK also includes having to deal with the Acherus? And by extension the entire DK starter zone? At what point these new DK stop reliving Wrath?


Any zone that changes will have a switcher chick in it so you can go back to the original zone.

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This is easier said than done, because Quel’thalas is actually located on a different server than the rest of EK. That is the reason for the loading screen. So in order to make it one seemless continent (which I would personally LOVE) it would be very difficult to do, as it would not only require a total rebuild of Quel’thalas and Exodar to make them Flight-friendly, but also moving them onto the relevant servers for Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

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Well last time they went back and tried to alter/revamp the older zones people almost had a fit.

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That can easily be hand-waved as the City being more inland than the Shipyards and Refineries that made it important during the 2nd War. As the city having grown up as a major defensive bastion during the Troll wars that grew into a trading hub between Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas, and then later as a shipping center as the Shipyard.

Would be better if they made the river that flows to Caer Darrow large enough to handle Barge traffic, and then made Stratholme connected to it via canals and locks. It would then make economic/strategic sense for Stratholme to be so important and at that location as they would service all the barge traffic up and down the river that leads the the heartlands of Lordaeron.


I know that is the current lazy solution. However, at what point the entire world is filled with these mages and it’s basically two continents layered on top of each other?
Bad design if you ask me.

Blasted Lands
Tirisfal Glades / Undercity
Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore)
Already have these mages, not to mention all the areas that have progression phasing. If that doesn’t scream we need a re-do, I don’t know what does.

They did a crappy job last time. They didn’t improve graphics. The only pretty Cata zones were the new Cata zones, and even those that had trees still don’t look all that great.