Unlike your ogres we’re actually playable, and also Tauren hate your guts.
Just wait big boi, Ogres are coming. And you wish Tauren hated our guts, they’re still very clearly #Hordelife
Basically this. They do a cost-benefit analysis of everything. Determine that it’s not worth Dev time. End of story. Same reason why Gilneas is still borked to this day.
To be fair as soon as they joined the Horde their time and recources have been spent supporting one war after another. Not much time for interior design work.
The only reason few people use Silvermoon is because it is segregated from the rest of the world. You have to go through an instance portal to get there, after all. Make it actually part of the Eastern Kingdoms map, instead of the Outland map, and people would use it more. Especially now that it is the only Horde capitol on the Eastern Kingdoms.
At least Gilneas is still connected to Azeroth - Silvermoon/Exodar zones are actually connected to the BC zones. That is why you go through a portal/loading screen when you do there.
What’s silly about the whole thing is that Blizz also considers them part of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor even though they’re plainly not due to the quasi-instance with no flying they’re in (for exodar and silvermoon). How do I know this? Take a look at the exploration achieves for the 2 main continents. Look at what these 2 zones are catagorised as.
Exactly. They are actually “attached” to Outland.
I’m gonna laugh if they’re pygmy ogres.
Lore reason… no. Real reason of course is the lack of reason to update it.
It took them 3 expansions to return Vale of Eternal Blossoms to all its glory, Silvermoon and surrounds is much larger.
That Scourge plague is very hard stain to get out.
It has been rebuilt by now, lorewise.
The problem is, Silvermoon isn’t even on Azeroth, it’s in outland, as far as the game is concerned, its why you need a portal to get there.
There could be some technical limitation for it. Even when Exodar was vital to Legions story, it still didn’t get an update.
The technical limitation is that they just don’t want to do it. Wouldn’t be THAT hard to copy-paste the zones from Outland to connect to the area of the appropriate areas of the Azeroth map. Then you’d just need to actually put roofs on the buildings in Silvermoon. Could easily have been done when they were revamping the entire world anyways.
And this is why no one visits silvermoon outside of brewfest.
If you notice in some of the places in the recent expansions you can clear a town fir eg and or silithus for another example and the world state changes. I think you are right and this is the beginning of a wow that puts the player in the centre of a world that changes as they quest. Meaning quests to rebuild silver moon etc
2019 Thread lol
I haven’t seen any word on this either way, but if you want an explanation, here it is!
- It’s the capital city of the Blood Elves (who cares)
- It’s irrelevant and therefore nobody goes there
- It’s terrible and nobody wants to go there
- It’s intact and doesn’t need to be rebuilt?