Why SHOULD the Alliance have faction pride?

Apparently, nobody told Eric Draven that.

I agree with the rest of your post though.

I never understood the whole “the devs are bias and only want us to play Horde” argument. Are you playing the game for the development team?
If you are so easily swayed into doing things just because everyone else is doing it, then you are a sheep. Play whatever race, class, or faction you want. Then when you are tired of playing that toon you can play something else. It really is that simple people.

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The basic argument is that if devs are only maining horde, that will result in bad writing as well as bad game play representation for Alliance characters and players.

Not hard to understand.


Reminder: the game was actually built on Alliance bias. The devs prioritized the Alliance on launch and all the way through to BC, and it took three entire expansions for them to get around to finally finishing the Horde’s Vanilla content.

But if you’re so desperate to maintain the Alliance’s unflattering stigmas, by all means keep at it.


Do you see the state of PvP right now? That’s a result of the devs favoring one faction at the expense of the other.
Know what happens next? AI BGs. PvE instead of PvP.


Damn, now I’m amazed he didn’t ask about High Elves when he was at the Q&A.

The day he stands up at Blizzcon and says “Sorry, horde, don’t mean to offend you, but…” is the day I will be amazed.


The problem with the bikes, if I remember correctly, is that there was some legal issue concerning the winning bike. Not sure what it was, and someone else might be able to give you more info on it, but its been so popular, and the Alliance one still available, that I think they’d release it if they could. There certainly have been enough people asking for it.

Well, there have been stories of employees being encouraged not to show interest in the alliance and there was golden on Twitter who had an alliance themed banner and was apparently heckled into changing it to a horde one. To me, it seems that if anyone does even take a step to support the alliance either blizzard or the rabid horde fans squash it.


Not just heckled, they were sending death threats to her.


Metzen plays a human Paladin. I won’t say what server or what his character name is but he mains a Pally.

Over the banner or the writing? Cause there was a debate over whether or not the roadkill queen was the one who had teldrassil burned, then it was revealed she was and that’s when writers started getting death threats from what I remember.

I keep hearing about this mythical Paladin of his but every time I see him he’s all pro-horde. He even apologized to the Alliance players at this year’s Blizzcon because he had two questions. The first was where the horde players were.
The second was a horde lore question.
I can’t imagine someone as pro-Alliance as you are suggesting to relegate his questions to horde-centric stuff to the point he feels he has to apologize to the Alliance players in attendance first.


Believe what you want. Here’s a screenshot.

Cool screenshot. Doesn’t change how he acts.


I really hate to point this out for you since you don’t seem to grasp this yourself. But allow me to just point this out for you in sports terms:

Each team is given a set amount of players who will play on the field and who are on the bench ready to go when they are needed for that game, right? You see this in Baseball to even Football. Now if 1 team arrives with only a quarter of their player count from the last game, not even making the amount needed to play on the field. Meanwhile the opposing team has the same amount of players they had from the last match and have enough players to play on the field. What do you think will happen in the match between these 2 teams? The answer is simple: the team with the smaller amount player count automatically loses and no game is played, It’s a hollow victory.

Now why is this import, you might ask? Simple really.
If there isn’t enough players playing on the BLUE team then what do you think will happen in your PVP matches? What do you think will happen to the RED team when there isn’t enough BLUE’s playing in a FACTION vs FACTION mmorpg? What do you think will happen when the BLUE’s leveling zones are ghost towns?

This isn’t something you should take lightly cause if the Horde has really no Alliance to fight against or play with in WoW. Then it would spell out disaster for this MMO then.


That’s always my suggestion. If you don’t like the thread, move on.

If you can’t see the inherent problem with a horde-only dev team, especially since you have obviously benefited from it, I can’t help you. This one-sided attention feels good until it wrecks game play and they have to introduce artificial controls like Merc Mode and then find out that Warmode is a failure because of it, then they try to introduce AI into battlegrounds to stem the bleeding.
All of it is a waste of their time, because they’re not addressing the actual problem.
Keep enjoying your horde side while you still have a form of PvP.


I’m also quite interested in what happens with the Night Elves post Darkshore. I personally am hoping with see a return of night elf savagery where they are, even to allies, like dealing with a dangerous animal.

Someone brought up Genn in Stormhelm. Another great character kept on a leesh. The Alliance is full of potential characters that make the Alliance interesting. I would find any expansion that had nothing about the Horde in it to be quite interesting since I find internal struggle the best place for character growth.

You don’t get that when you have a faction that exists solely to characterize the darker human emotion. Suddenly you’ve taken what makes compelling characters and divided it. But I remain hopeful that we can stop worry the Horde are doing and feeling to simply treat them like we do a Defias Brotherhood member in Westfall. I don’t play a lot of Horde because I simply don’t care about any of their motivations. It all boils down to they’ve been selfish and now have to pay the price but of course don’t like it. Tyrande, finally, doesn’t seem content to be a victim any longer.


OK far bg goes i have yet seen a imbalance. What i have seen is one side getting all twinks and other not. It switches. Some days it horde day and other day its alliance. that being said it been alliance always winning in lower brackets now for three weeks. I have lost 40 in row. i now given up leveling in bg.

The second thing is i keep seeing people saying there a imbalance of players. It looks like the number are even. the problem is on alliance side. not a whole lot do end game bg, mythic or raids. A lots seem more interested in social things and twinks. Not sure why that is.

That is something I do not think can be fixed by developers. There need to be a home grown culture change on alliance side. they have the numbers to make great raiding, mythic an other guilds. It just not happening. They seem to prefer to complain and not do anything.

That leads to this problem with alliance transfers and other types of things to entice player to switch. Is that there no pool to go to on alliance. The raiding and mythic pool very small and every exclusive. Unless they find some magic number not much can change. Again alliance need to change it out look. As they could be top. But they are not.

Racial have been heavy favored for alliance sense the middle of WOD. They Nerf most horde to point of redundancy and doing it again. Meanwhile despite what other claim alliance have several races with very op racial. With new humans it getting to point they handed racial to alliance. Yet still no one has switched side.

I no most are passionate.Yet they trying to get game to changed to their way of playing. they need to focus on all the positive given to them. then build from there. I have seen developers try very hard to appease alliance. it is not working. I say let try something new. Let do like Korean did a few years ago. Lets start changing the culture in alliance.

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Even Blizzard disagrees with you on that point.