Why say tendies?

Penny is used for Pence and Cent. We think money is cute when it’s small.

Really don’t know how people get wrapped around the post about the word tendies.

I love it and I’m not even young or hip.

You and several others have characterized my posts as being heated, angry, emotional, or now “wrapped around the post”. I’d be interested for you to point out where I was anything other than curious. I admitted I thought it was dumb but thinking something is dumb doesn’t make me angry or wrapped around the post.

I’ve noticed a weird fad to attribute motive to people without evidence on these forums.

I’m as happy as a clam

Im as happy as a clammy

It’s as annoying as “leggos.” Sounds incredibly childish.

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I think florida should pass a bill. Don’t say tendies

Why does someone hate eggos that’s crazy. Are you a nutritionist

Eggos are packed with essential syrups.

And the butter pockets help lubricate our heart

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Yes thank you. Butter lubes the blood system

Gunna go get me some chicken nuggies now.

Mmmmm lower life expectancy homer Simpson noise

What’s the dipping sauce?

If its McNuggets I love their honey it complements it so well.

If just other nuggies- Honey Mustard, Ketchup

Its not just in gaming/twitch worlds unfortunately( corrected a spelling error as it was pointed out to me that the spelling error was worse than appearing as an infant in a professional meeting), was in a rather serious meeting, and had someone with a master degree say she was going to get " chicken tendies" for lunch most of the other people looked at her like she was some strange specimen who somehow devolved into some kind of weird infancy.

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Well it’s considerably shorter than what I say, which is, “That trading house money thing.”

Tendies for the win, honestly.

To annoy and frustrate, I shall now say “Trading house tendie thing”.

You did this to yourself.

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How do you not use barbecue you monster

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I’d rather have a co-worker that calls it chicken tendies vs a co-worker that can’t spell unfortunately

Grew up in Texas, BBQ sauce is good with nuggets I will say! But, I usually want real bbq

/clap good for you you got me good there fella! You take a bottle of milk with your tendies?

Nope, i’m lactose intolerant. Some apple juice might work though.

I believe you…