Why say tendies?

I’ve always just called them trading post currency, but im also over 40. Call them whatever you want.

I’m doing that now. I like that.

I said it in discord and it may be a thing now LOL

I think we should bring back the term clams.

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I just found my first post starting this thread was silenced. Can anybody see what I might have said wrong? I’m pretty sure I didn’t violate the CoC but I can’t fathom people flagging this post amongst all the vitriol in this forum.

Thoughts or constructive criticisms?

Here’s a tip- Goblins are bad people. So that’s probably why

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Who hurt you bud?

A goblin

I’mma beat that goblin up, where are they?

Goblins aren’t bad. We are merely realists. We acknowledge that life is only about pleasure and power. Other sentient beings, and even the elements, exist to be coerced, bought off, or even enslaved to achieve our ends. We are…

Wait, yeah, Goblins are bad.

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Haha. Oh man…This gave me a good chuckle.

Why was OP flagged?

People really need to stop flagging as a downvote.

Also, I say tendies because tenders reminds me of chicken tenders. That’s about it.

Maybe you have a point. The downvote function should definitely return. I’d welcome the feedback to my posts.


It’d clean some things up on the forums I think.

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some people feel that saying “double you” is faster than saying “win”

education is for the weak these days

chicken tendies??

stop acting like a boomer 40 aint that old smh

It’s not that old, that’s right. But I still don’t understand 75%+ of new slang.

I don’t regularly hang out socially with people under 30, none of my early-mid 20s relatives use a bunch of slang around the family. And since I’m not really into most current TV shows and I’m not a huge movie person, I don’t really get exposed to it. So I don’t understand it most of the time.

People say “tendies” because it’s a term that was associated with NEETs (No Education, Employment, Training, basically the modern word for “loser”) due to greenposts from 4chan about NEETs but a recurring trend was mentioning “tendies” which were just chicken tenders, something commonly associated with children obsessing over, same case with chicken nuggets.

Since then it kind of blended as a joke online for NEETs who had their parents pay for their things so it was treated as a currency of sorts.

Blizzard being a company that uses the internet and while their sense of humor is so dated it comes across as horribly cringeworthy when they try to delve into pop culture like they used to with references clearly picked up on it after it bled outside of 4chan and onto the months-behind-on-memes normie sites like Reddit as a more adopted term.

So I am pretty sure “Tenders” was chosen specifically knowing that was what was going to spawn of it considering they’re a currency you get for “being a good boy and doing the chores.”

Also for you people talking about age, I’m 29 and I still have my finger on the pulse. You people need to venture out more.

I think they just say Tendies cause they’re young and think it sounds cute/funny. I can’t imagine too many grown men my age thinking that term is something they’d say without making a strange face.

Just like the younger crowd and all their cool kid speak with all the slang they throw around that looks really dumb to the older crowd. Mostly cause they are trying to bond with their peers of their age group and don’t want to stand out. Like saying that’s ‘based’ bruh, which is just hilarious to us. I used to do the same thing when I was younger and grew mostly out of it.

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Wait till you see the cockroaches that crawl around the food… (I have seen them as a fast food worker)

No offense, but preferred when you spoke in middle English rather than…whatever THIS is…