Why Rogue has become so unpopular?

I have seen in stadistics that rogue is the least played class. Is there a reason why is so unpopular?

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Every other classs can do what rogue do and more.

Burst of speed, it was rogue, now mage can do it.

Stealth, now druid etc are on board



To expand on this, Rogue also has the highest skill floor AND ceiling, and is high APM with a lot of room for error. It is not a forgiving class.

If you’re bad at it, it’ll show. If you’re excellent at it, you’re average and blend in.

I’ve tried four times over the years, and cannot do it. So I play BM Hunter instead lol


Well, the fact the wow community complained about Rogues for a very long time is why they are currently in the state that they are in. They used to be one of the most beloved but also loathed classes for a very long time.


I think the weird spec designs, probably? They all are a bit awkward, somehow. That’s why I haven’t played it much since they changed combat to outlaw.


Rogues are okay but not fun.

Too many strange mechanics that do not flow. Assassination is the only spec with fun mechanics right now truly. Sub can be hit or miss and to an extent Outlaw. But the lack of pathing talent options is the biggest issue. The Rogue general tree requires too many talent points to reach what is needed.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

  1. One of the harder to play classes out there with not as much return for it.
  2. We don’t have flashy visuals with our abilities at all.
  3. Very beginner unfriendly as without knowing how to properly use our cooldowns we’re easily one of the squishiest classes out there.
  4. Low fantasy identity. Outlaw is the only spec that has a fantasy element to it where Sub tries (and fails) to be a ninja yet lands closer to a mall ninja, and assassin tries to be… .hum… well they use daggers, bleeds, and poisons… Yep that’s their class fantasy just a dude that uses knives, poisons, and bleeds. Doesn’t even try to be anything, that’s just what it is.
  5. We’re flat ignored. We can complain about varying game breaking things or cry about how we need x/y/z quality of life changes and no one ever listens.

I think the primary reason is because Rogues are so frustrating to lose against in PvP that they get nerfed into the ground on a regular basis, both mechanically and numerically.

It’s a miracle they’re performing so well in PvE raiding right now.


Rogue hasn’t become anything. It’s the same as it ever was.

Currently the only classes less popular than rogue are monk and evoker.

However, as usual, rogue is often subject to fotm rerolls and we are seeing that right now with Assassination which is currently the 12th most popular spec (out of 39 total).



My counter is that Assassination is becoming more popular because of how Sub and Outlaw are respectively in their current states.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


ive been sub rogue since vanilla.

its really really hard to do anything of value unless you are stocked to the brim with tricks and spend alot of gold to do things.

i mean. i carry like 6 different weapons. 7 sets of gear… just for specific moments/situations.

i have to constantly farm stuff for my weapons, like wax just to be useful in pvp.

i have to constantly spend about 1000-2000g a week to BG.

but hey i have fun… i popped a warrior in 3 seconds today. — vanish is really trash now… you cannot rely on vanish to save you anymore. it’s really a huge let down. my vanish works maybe 1 out of 5 times. then i only get 1-2 seconds before stealth breaks anyways… so i wouldnt really call that working well.


This is false. You don’t need to spend a lot of gold to make Rogue work. Don’t need to spend any more gold than any other class, which is to say no class needs to spend gold to function as intended. Please stop spreading misinformation.

Sure you do.

No, you don’t need to do this. You choose to do this needlessly.

Vanish works, it just doesn’t give you an automatic free out whenever you press it. It depends on what you’re fighting and if you’ve been dotted up or not.

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^ this fool trying to disagree with opinions.

this is what i do to enjoy the game.

you cant tell me “im wrong”

and yes… vanish is broken. its the worst its been in 20 years. it breaks all the time for no reason. every rogue would agree.

you are obviously a pver. you have 20k kills. rogues are pvpers. derp.

grenades cost about 200-500 gold that last me a week.
potions cost me about 800-1500.
food buffs = 300
extra sttuff = 500-1000

so yeah i easily drop 5k a month on just pvp stuff. its what rogues should do. rogues need a toolkit unlike all other classes.

This doesn’t qualify as an opinion. You’re implying the class does not function without spending gold that other classes don’t have to. This is just blatantly false.

I didn’t say Vanish is bug-free. I said Vanish is not a guaranteed reset in PvP or PvE, which it isn’t unless you’re pairing it with Cloak to clear all effects that would break your stealth after the initial Vanish window. Even then, if there’s something you couldn’t clear, then you’ll still get broken out.

Rogue has a toolkit, and none of it requires spending gold to play the game normally.

Significantly lower kills than you, notably lower honor level, yet I’ve seen a rating you haven’t seen.

Am I Elite/Glad? No. Neither are you.

#1 in arena, in peak wow, on peak pvp server.


You were never a top tier pvp player. You ganked lowbies on a pvp server. You’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.


i was never top tier? hahahahahah

the entire forums in vanilla consisted of “how do you stop saifu” theorycraft.

i never went out of my way to gank lowbies. ever.

there is a reason i have my own NPC and scenario in wow… its funny these forums are dead and its nothing but ignorant responses that offer nothing… and ppl who have to post on their alts. post on your rogue mains… lol

I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself that this is a truth.

So you played a Priest then?


This has big “anybody using my super original name is a copycat, just believe me bro!” energy.

well… i was in ubertown…

and i was a healer rogue in vanilla… id heal teammates constantly… but what do you know about wow.

i think its funny youre just here to attack me. if you want to offer up some gold like 500k and duel. i will gladly steal it from your rogue.

i dont need the gold. just here to prove a point.


Healer Rogue, hm?

Tell me, which NPC are you referring to named Saifu in the game, and when were they added?

Go ahead and toss a link, or even just specifics. I want to see what sort of crap you toss out.

Im not interested in you spreading misinformation or trolling. :dracthyr_shrug:

That’s honestly pathetic. Running out of garbage to spew, so you’re going straight to dueling as some way of “settling” something.

Are you begging for gold for an overworld duel? Really? LOL