Why Removed from Group before the end

Just earlier on one of my healers I was in a mythic plus group. The run was pretty typical–we almost made the timer, but the affix was kind of tough for the group–and we wiped a few times, but were just shy of the timer. The group I had joined was obviously four others from the same guild, and were obviously in voice which I had not been invited to join.

Now suddenly about five seconds before the last boss was down, I found I had been removed from the group. But seeing as the run was fine, I was really confused, and could only think they were extremely rude or something like that. I did get credit for the run, and also had my loot mailed to me, but still…

Then suddenly after the run was done, I got a reinvite to heal another dungeon. They wanted me to heal a 16 key and the one we had just finished was 14, so they must have thought my healing was fine. I declined though, confused and curious about why they had removed me, then reinvited me.

Is there some reason people do this? Is there something to gain by booting someone right before the dungeon is done? What am I missing?


I would assume its just to mess with you being a guild group… but when I do M+ with friends and a PUG we try to keep any random kicks or jokes between us. No reason to kick PUGed in players and expect them to know whats going on in a discord.

Could also possibly be just a mistake by the leader trying to inspect you or something, but I am unsure.

I assume they thought they could keep you from getting loot and credit by kicking you early, but the system prevents that. I sincerely hope you did not join that same group again as it is clearly full of trolls.


Most likely tried to inspect you and accidentally kicked, I had that happen to me by one of my officers (I’m the GM Lol), she was trying to learn how to heal on her druid and went to inspect me to see my traits and poof. lol.

If that was the case (I doubt it) then the ‘uninvite’ option should really have a confirmation box attached.


OP is lying.

You don’t get your loot if you’re kicked.

Yes you do.

If you start a mythic+ and leave or are kicked and the group completes it, you get any loot you would’ve gotten mailed to you and it counts for your weekly chest as well.

My guess would be the group either did it to be tools or as a joke. It wouldn’t have been accidental when trying to inspect since they were mid-boss fight when it happened.


This happened to a guildie and she got nothing in her mail…

Then she would’ve got nothing if she was still there and able to loot the chests at the end.


This was a 15, everyone is guaranteed a piece of loot at that level. Anyway, googling this supports the no loot policy.

Well it’s good general practice of being wary of joining guild groups in M+. If you stay until the end you are at their mercy regarding how they behave towards you.

This is one reason I don’t invite teams of players to my runs anymore.

No, the group is guaranteed to get 2 pieces of loot between them for finishing a +15, 3 pieces between them for timing a +15.

From what I googled, most agree that you get loot mailed to you if kicked from a mythic+ and the group finishes. I only saw one guy claiming they changed it in 8.1, but nothing noting it in the patch notes that I could find.

I only do mythic+ with my guild so kicking has never been an issue for me personally.


You get 3 pieces of loot for timing a 10

And a 40% chance of an extra item for every level above that, so it’s 5 pieces. And yes, that was a timed run. Raider io gave her credit for the score but that’s it.

edit: actually now that I think about it, I’ve gone on the assumption that each player must be assigned 1 piece of loot if 5 loot drops. I don’t think that’s necessarily true even if I haven’t seen otherwise.

Ah, I didn’t realize that they lowered it a +10. It used to be +15 to get the bonuses.

I’ve gotten 2 pieces of loot from 15s/16s so there you go.

I’ve yet to see 2 pieces assigned to the same person in 15, however a timed 16 has a 40% chance to assign a person an additional piece.

I thought it was 20%, so if you time a +15, 4 people get loot.

+15 keys are the first difficulty level where everyone is guaranteed a piece of gear if you time it.

If you tag the boss you get credit even if you are removed. Before looking foolish and declaring someone a liar you should level and do actually run some content.


A) I have an anecdote from a guildie that says otherwise, if you had actually read the thread
B) Your claim is different than everyone else’s, and is likely wrong.
C) If we’re going to play this moronic “go do content” game, then allow me to say that a picture is worth a thousand words… even if the picture itself has a lot of words https://i.imgur.com/Ewgvi8N.png