Why Remove Might of Stormwind from Era?

It seems Blizzard really would prefer people use multiple accounts and Mind Control alts to feed into the gold-buying buff-selling economy rather than let Alliance have nice things.


Couldn’t I just stand in Stormwind and get it as easily as Horde players?

What is the opposition to that if not to sell the buff or grief it?

The “oops” we didn’t mean to give you that is just consumer mind control hoping you’ll go play sod.

World buffs were in vanilla. The world buff meta wasn’t “a thing” until later and its completely optional.

Remove chronoboon? I agree 100%. Never should have been introduced.

Can we bring the old pvp system back while we’re at it?

On second thought scratch that last one.


No. You have to be friendly with Orgrimmar in order to receive the buff. Alliance players have a few options to get it. You can hook up with a Horde player and they can either MC cap you or MC you via a priest. You can also make another account and do it yourself.

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This was why.


Lmao, giving and then removing after clown tears flooded petitions. In the end, you just pissed off your customers. Classic is corrupted to the core, and everyone knows it.

This is just salt back to the ocean.


Ahh ok. Well Orgrimmar it is then. At least there’s an easy back door in between the Barrens and Ashenvale.

Alliance already has so many things that gives it a an edge in raiding. You want to easily raid with rend? roll horde or wait for classic plus to come out, thats vanilla. And if ZG/DMT/SF isnt enough for you to crush 20 year old raids then get good.


Just play SOD… leave classic to the andys


Just remove all world buffs solves the problem, makes the game a bit harder which we need


It was more common than you realize.

no we have to be mind control at the time the buff drops to get it and in the right area

We get paladin blessings, you get shaman totems. How is alliance getting an “edge”?

Have you considered Blessing of Kings? Tremor and Poison Cleanse are amazing, but Kings is unbeatable. Plus it isn’t locked to group-only.


Heard of windfury totem? its the best thing for melee in the game.

And in order to get windfury totem you have to give up Prayer of Healing effectiveness, which greatly reduces your aoe healing throughput.

LOL?? chain heal???

Oh. Well that sucks.

Chain heal does not provide anywhere near the on-demand aoe healing PoH does.

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