Why remove [Eagle Eye] from Beast Master?
This ability is the definition of Beast Master, so why remove it from the class spec? It makes no sense.
According to Wiktionary Beastmaster is:
-A role-playing video game character class that is able to control beasts or draw upon their aspects or powers. (Being able to see far)
Even in D&D Beast Masters have the ability to:
-Command your beast to take non-attack actions as a bonus action. (Can’t attack using Eagle Eye)
Tvtropes website that ends with .org:
-can see through the eyes of animals (Like an eagle maybe?) and maybe even controlling it from the inside with a form of mind control.
Giving this ability to MM is fine, but taking it away from Beast Masters makes 0 sense.
Oh shush. It’s not even useful.
Maybe not for you, but if you use it properly it is very useful.
And why should the spell be removed from BM because of your opinion on its usefulness?
Exactly! Thank you! It was useful for me, I used it every day. You can use it to figure out where quest objectives are, the safest routes around mobs, etc. Just because one player doesn’t use it, doesn’t mean others don’t. And if it’s “not even useful” then why give it to MM?
I support this at least to me thematically BM uses beasts hence eagle eyes should stick with the spec bring it on back to the spec Blizzard.
Eagle eye is just a name, it had nothing to do with pets. BM has Eyes of the Beast where you literally control your pet and use it to walk around.
MM got Eagle Eye because it’s the ranged weapon focused archetype, makes sense they would be able to focus their vision and see a mile away
Ok, I’m not against MM having it, but why take it away from BM when they both can have it?
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Doesn’t fit BM spec fantasy, this conversation honestly happens anytime Blizz tries to make distinctions between the specs
They took Eyes of the Beast from MM because they aren’t pet focused, and Eagle Eye from BM/SV because they aren’t range focused
Safest route from mobs??? You get on flying mount. Find quest objectives?? Open the map.
Let’s not skill shame people we can have constructive discussions
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Bm is BEAST master, Eagle Eye is BEAST. How does that not fit the fantasy?
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Eagle Eye is not beast related in any form, the Webster definition is “The ability to see or observe keenly” which is more in line with MM. Just because its named after an animal doesn’t mean its related to pets
Even the in game ability is just looking far away, that doesn’t have anything to do with having beast expertise
Yes, because there totally aren’t areas, new or old, that don’t allow flying… And there are items you have to collect that aren’t marked on the map… Obviously…
Obviously you don’t know how to fully play a hunter you shush
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Yes I am SOO upset right now losing eagle eye. I used it so much during bg’s etc . Absolutely makes no sense why it got pruned from us
I use it to explore out of bond areas. I like to see how the designers model areas, and what they hide or leave behind during creation of the area.
Don’t you f****ing dare tell people how they should play their character. Just because YOU don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s useless. I could say the same thing for Outlaw Rogues as a whole. The entire class has been gutted so all you do is spam one ability and you’re done, making it wholly useless as a class in general, but if someone likes playing it, I say go for it because it’s what you like.
I for one and pissed they removed it because I literally use it all the time. Why? Because I can and no dumb*** elitist is going to sit there and tell me what I should or shouldn’t consider useful.
Hear, hear! Everything you said was spot on. Thank you.
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As long as you don’t use those talents in group content you good