Why recraft lowers your skill compare to regular craft?

Just had an issue today that I couldn’t recraft an epic to 392 with top mats, even though I can do a 5-star full craft. No modification in both cases.

Noticed that skill level drops when I choose a recraft for the same item compare to regular full craft. Couldn’t find any special “spec for recrafts”. Why is this happening? How can I check this skill drop number before wasting other people’s time?

Is it a bug? A feature?

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Not sure in your case, but there’s a couple things.
My guess: your Profession talents to do with crafting. For instance, there are talent points that grant +15 skill when crafting a ______. That’s crafting, not recrafting, so recrafting the same item you just crafted would be 15 points lower is my understanding.
Materials %. There’s stuff on Reddit about how exactly material quality plays into crafting, but basically, there’s a % it contributes, and recrafting with different quality materials can change the overall skill you’re crafting at.
In general – although you say you can do 5* basic – if the original had an inspiration proc, I don’t know how recrafting would interact with that. I believe it would recalculate from the base iLevel, not the inspired one, which would mean recrafting an inspired item might drop the level?

Important detail: I couldn’t recraft it at 5 star as a personal work order from another player. But my own profession UI allows 5-star craft of that item. Mats were top quality in both UIs (work order and profession).

I suspect there are some UI/cache issues. Maybe dynamic quality calculation bugs out sometimes. I also don’t understand what quality of reagents it takes into account when you have none (0/16 for example) - seems like it changes from item to item or the game “snapshots” the last use.

I had another set of potentially related issues:

  • Life-bound gear quality was different for some pieces even through my spec was identical for all of them (30-30-30 and zeroes for individual pieces except boots, primordial - 35-0-0-0)
  • professional items were also split in half and showed two different quality groups
  • 2 decayed leather boots patterns were showing different quality

I couldn’t figure out why for DAYS - not a /reload issue.

But then after previous post and a couple relogs it got resolved - Life-Bound all 5-star. Prof items equalized at identical skill, decayed boots got the same.

So confusing :\

If the item wasn’t crafted with 3 star materials originally, then recrafting will only replace 40% of the t2 mats with t3 mats, so it will be like you are crafting it with some t2 materials.

You can find an in depth blue post linked below:


That makes sense. I understand this recraft issue now. Thank you, Hambrick!

But UI definitely needs to address it somehow. Since I have no idea about customer previous history with the item - I need to see what’s going on to set correct expectations.

Also need some kind of calculator to play around with different additions/quality for them. So hard to predict the result without wasting tons of gold to have every single option in your own inventory.

In this particular case player asked me to recraft with random quality mats. I saw my 5-star, thought it’s a quality isssue - suggested to try better mats. He bought them, but wasn’t enough - wasted time/gold for both of us.

Yeah, I’ve had some customers who can’t remember whether or not they crafted something with t3 originally, and that’s led to issues. As for the calculator, the t3 white items for leatherworking are so cheap that there’s effectively no reason for customers to not use them. For the blue items, I usually just keep 15 or so of the rank 2s and 3s on hand for calculation purposes. The skill change between ranks should be the same, so if going from 5 rank 3 mats to 10 rank 3 mats gives +10 skill, then I know that going from 10 to 18 should give about 16 on to what it is. It’s the best workaround I’ve come up with until wowhead ponies up and releases a calculator.

I’ve also noticed the skill not properly calculating on some crafts issue as well. Particularly with my engineering, one set of goggles shows 227 skill and the other shows 307 (the +80 is exactly the amount of bonus skill I have towards goggles from knowledge points) but when I have crafted the 227 set of goggles, it shows on the order screen like they’re getting the 80 knowledge points. It’s definitely just a display issue, but still an annoying one and just adds to the confusion for customers.

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Related but not, I have definitely noticed UI update issues, particularly with crafting orders versus self-crafted, where changing materials won’t change the displayed tier or skill

Hopefully the reply button will work this time. I was recently made aware of an addon called CraftSim (obviously a play on the SimCraft name) that will let you play around with a crafting calculator and see what different quality mats will give you. It’s somewhat janky and requires TSM to run, so I wouldn’t say I recommend it, but it’s there as an option.

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It also is only taking “best guess” with how the various equations work internally, from trial and error and some interpolating. There are some aspects of the system we will need tons more data on to really pinpoint.

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